Home Medicinal Plants Eucalyptus tea: how to prepare it and what it is for

Eucalyptus tea: how to prepare it and what it is for


Eucalyptus is a tree found in several regions of Brazil, which can reach up to 90 meters in height, has small flowers and capsule-shaped fruits, and is popularly known for helping to fight various respiratory infections due to its expectorant and antimicrobial properties.

The scientific name of the eucalyptus is Eucalyptus globulus Labill and its leaves can be used to make tea and the essential oil extracted from the plant can be used in vapors for inhalation and can be easily purchased at health food stores and handling pharmacies. Eucalyptus is also found in ready-made syrups and sachets for infusion.

Even though it is a great home remedy to treat respiratory diseases, inhaling eucalyptus leaves should not be used by children under 12, as it can lead to allergies and cause shortness of breath. In addition, eucalyptus preparations should not be applied to babies' faces, it is very important to consult a pediatrician in these cases.

What is it for

Eucalyptus is a plant widely used for the treatment of flu, cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, adenitis, tonsillitis, asthma, bronchitis, runny nose, pneumonia, tuberculosis, fever, intestinal worms, acne, bad breath and muscle pain, due to its medicinal properties, which are:

  • Expectorant; Anti-inflammatory; Decongestant; Immunity stimulator; Vermifuge.

In addition, the eucalyptus essential oil, extracted from the leaves, contains cineole that has balsamic and antiseptic properties, being very useful in the treatment of bronchitis and to eliminate phlegm from the airways. See other home remedies for bronchitis.

How to use eucalyptus

The most used part of eucalyptus is the crushed leaf and can be used in many ways, from inhalation to tea.

  • Tea: can be taken from 1 cup 2 to 3 times a day; Inhalation: put 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a bowl with 1 liter of boiling water and inhale the steam for a few minutes. To make the most of it, place a bath towel over your head as if you were going to make a tent to cover the bowl, so the steam will be trapped and the individual will inhale a greater amount of the steam that relieves the symptoms. Topical use: Perform a massage in the desired places using 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to 100 ml of mineral oil.

Eucalyptus leaves can also be found in combination with other medicinal plants in the form of infusion sachets or home remedies in health food stores.

How to prepare eucalyptus tea

Eucalyptus tea is widely used to relieve flu and cold symptoms, as well as helping to eliminate the lung secretions accumulated during bronchitis.


  • 1 tablespoon of chopped eucalyptus leaves; 150 mL of water.

Method of preparation

To make tea it is necessary to add the chopped eucalyptus leaves in a cup and cover with boiling water. After warm, strain and take two to three times a day.

Side effects of eucalyptus

The main side effects of eucalyptus are related to its excessive use and include dermatitis, difficulty breathing and tachycardia. Some studies have also reported the overuse of eucalyptus can cause drowsiness or hyperactivity.

The tincture of eucalyptus oil can increase the action of the liver, causing the effect of some remedies to be reduced, so if a person uses some medication daily it is necessary to consult the doctor to know whether or not he can use the eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus contraindications

Eucalyptus is contraindicated in case of allergy to this plant, during pregnancy and in people who have gallbladder problems and liver disease.

Inhalation of the leaves of this plant should also not be used in children under 12, as it can cause allergies and shortness of breath, and the tincture should only be used by adults, due to the high alcohol content. And yet, eucalyptus preparations should not be applied to the face, particularly the nose, of babies, which can cause skin allergies.

Eucalyptus tea: how to prepare it and what it is for