Home Medicinal Plants Hibiscus slims and lowers cholesterol

Hibiscus slims and lowers cholesterol


Hibiscus is a medicinal plant that can be used to assist in weight loss diets, in controlling blood pressure and even in preventing liver problems.

Its flowers can be used in teas or salads, and other parts of the plant can be used to make jams, soups and sauces, so it is a very versatile way to improve health.

Hibiscus price

The price of the hibiscus varies according to the place of purchase and the form of presentation, and the average value for the dry plant is 5 reais, per 100 grams, for the powder it is 15 reais, for 100 g, and for the capsules is 40 reais, for 60 capsules.

Main benefits

Hibiscus has several benefits and, therefore, it can be used to assist in the treatment of various health problems. Hibiscus is good for:

  • Help to lose weight because it is a great diuretic and also helps in burning fat; Improve constipation because it has a laxative action; Fight liver diseases and detoxify this organ because it boosts the functioning of this organ; Relieve menstrual cramps because it has analgesic action; Fight flu, colds, cough and fever because it has an expectorant action, which facilitates the removal of secretions; Fight seborrhea on the scalp because it has anti-dandruff properties; Relieve stomach pain due to analgesic action and for having a calming effect; Reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose levels because it has antihypertensive properties; Delay skin aging because it is rich in antioxidants.

The hibiscus is also popularly known as Chinese Rose, Venus Mimo, Grease Flower, Student Grease and Lion's Goose, but its scientific name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. This plant can be purchased in health food stores and some markets with an average price of 12 reais.

How to use hibiscus

The used part of the hibiscus is the flower, and the tea of ​​this plant is widely used to help with weight loss.

  • To make hibiscus tea: add 2 tablespoons full of dried hibiscus flowers, 2 sachets or 1 teaspoon of the powder in 1 liter of water at the beginning of boiling. Turn off the heat and cover the container for ten minutes, strain and drink.

To lose weight, you should take 3-4 cups of hibiscus tea daily, half an hour before your main meals.

There are also capsules that contain powdered hibiscus inside. These capsules are usually sold to those who are trying to lose weight and their use should be done according to the instructions on the box, since they vary according to the brand.

Possible side effects

Although it does not happen in all people, Hibiscus can cause dizziness, weakness and drowsiness because it helps to lower blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from low blood pressure should not consume hibiscus in large quantities, or without medical advice.

Who should not use

Hibiscus is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, periods of PMS and women who are trying to get pregnant, as it changes hormones and can, in some cases, make pregnancy difficult and cause infertility.

Hibiscus slims and lowers cholesterol