Home Bulls Fractional co2 laser fights wrinkles, blemishes and acne scars

Fractional co2 laser fights wrinkles, blemishes and acne scars


The fractional CO2 laser is an aesthetic treatment indicated for the rejuvenation of the skin by combating the wrinkles of the entire face and is also great for combating dark spots and removing acne scars.

3-6 sessions are necessary, with an interval of 45-60 days between them, and the results can begin to be noticed after the second treatment session.

The fractional CO2 laser is used to:

  • Fight wrinkles and expression lines; Improve texture, fighting facial flaccidity; Eliminate dark spots on the skin; Smooth out acne scars in the face region.

The fractional CO2 laser is not indicated for those who have black skin or very deep scars or keloids. In addition, it should also not be performed on people with skin conditions, such as vitiligo, lupus or active herpes, and while using some medications, such as anticoagulants.

How the treatment is done

The treatment is carried out in the office, where the laser is applied in the region to be treated. Generally, an anesthetic cream is applied before treatment and the patient's eyes are protected to prevent eye damage. The therapist marks the area to be treated and then applies the laser with several shots in a row, but not overlapping, which can cause some discomfort in the most sensitive people, and for this reason the use of the anesthetic is advised.

After carrying out the laser treatment, daily application of moisturizing and repairing creams indicated by the doctor, and sunscreen with a protection factor above 30 is necessary. While the treatment lasts, it is recommended not to expose yourself to the sun, and to wear a hat to protect the skin. the harmful effects of the sun. If the skin appears to be darker in certain areas after the treatment, the therapist may recommend a whitening cream until the next session.

After treatment with fractional CO2 laser, the skin is red and swollen for approximately 4-5 days, with a smooth peeling of the entire treated region. Day after day you can notice an improvement in the overall appearance of the skin, because the effect of the laser on the collagen is not immediate, providing its reorganization, which can be more evident after 20 days of treatment. At the end of approximately 6 weeks, it can be seen that the skin is firmer, with less wrinkles, less open pores, less relief, better texture and overall appearance of the skin.

Where to do it

The treatment with fractional CO2 laser must be performed by a duly qualified professional such as the dermatologist or physiotherapist specialized in functional dermato. This type of treatment is usually found in large capitals, and the amount varies according to the region.

Fractional co2 laser fights wrinkles, blemishes and acne scars