Home Symptoms Carotid ultrasound assesses stroke risk

Carotid ultrasound assesses stroke risk


Carotid ultrasound is an easy and painless test that helps assess the inside of the carotid arteries that pass through the side of the neck and transport oxygen to the brain.

When there are health problems, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, these arteries can accumulate fat on the walls, which narrow the inside and decrease the amount of blood that passes to the brain. In addition, these small fatty plaques can also rupture, forming a clot that can be transported to the brain and cause a stroke.

Thus, this test is widely used to assess the risk of developing a stroke and, if it is too high, to initiate appropriate treatment to improve blood flow.

Who should take the exam

This type of test is recommended to assess the risk of stroke in patients with:

  • Arterial hypertension; Diabetes; High cholesterol; Family history of stroke or heart disease; Coronary disease.

In addition, when the cardiologist discovers abnormal sounds in the carotid artery during a routine stethoscope examination, for example, he can also recommend the test to assess whether there is any change in blood flow.

How the exam is done

The examination is quite simple, it is only necessary to lie on a stretcher while the technician passes the ultrasound device through the sides of the neck. To improve the image of the device, it may also be necessary to apply a little gel to the skin, to avoid air bubbles and allow the device to completely touch the skin.

If it is not possible to obtain a clear image, the technician can also ask to lie on his side or change the position of the body, to improve blood flow, for example.

Thus, in addition to wearing comfortable clothing, it is not necessary to do any kind of preparation before the ultrasound.

Exam results

The result of the examination must be evaluated by the doctor and, if it is considered that there is a risk of developing a stroke, some care or treatments may be recommended, such as:

  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet; Exercise at least 3 times a week; Do not smoke and avoid places with lots of smoke; Take medicines to lower blood pressure, such as Captopril or Losartana; Use medicines to reduce cholesterol levels, such as simvastatin or atorvastatin; taking medication to prevent clots, such as aspirin or heparin.

In addition, when one of the arteries is very closed and, therefore, the risk of stroke is very high, the doctor may also recommend surgery to remove the fatty plaque from the artery wall or to place a small mesh inside the artery, which prevents it from closing.

After these surgeries, it may be necessary to repeat the ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries to ensure that the problem has already been solved correctly.

See how you can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke in 7 simple steps.

Carotid ultrasound assesses stroke risk