Home Medicinal Plants What is the plant mast and effects on the body

What is the plant mast and effects on the body


The mastruz is a medicinal plant also known as santa maria herb, roundworm, kenopod, ambrosine or mentruz. It is a widely used plant, because its essential oils contain deworming, antibiotic, antifungal, digestive, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, so it is widely used in the treatment of conditions such as bronchitis or athlete's foot, for example.

This plant, which has the scientific name Chenopodium Ambrosioides, grows spontaneously in land surrounding homes, has dark green leaves, elongated and of different sizes, its flowers are small and whitish in color, have a strong and unpleasant smell and reaches up to 70 cm in height. length.

The mastruz can be purchased in some markets or in health food stores, in its natural form or in dehydrated leaves.

What is the mast

The mast's properties are widely used for situations such as:

  • Worm treatment due to its antiparasitic action; Elimination of fungal or bacterial infections, as it has an antiseptic effect; Combats digestive problems, by increasing gastric juice. Check out other options of excellent home remedies for gastritis; Treat constipation by increasing intestinal secretion and contractility; Anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic action; Expectorant effect on respiratory diseases as it stimulates the movement of the bronchi and mucus secretion.

In addition, the mast can be applied to the skin, due to its emollient action, which helps in wound healing and skin irritation, in addition to being insect repellent. It can also be used as a compress to relieve inflammation caused by bruises or bumps.

Mastruz with milk

The mixture of beaten mastruz leaves with milk is popularly used to help in the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and tuberculosis, due to the association of the immune system's strengthening and expectorant effects.

How to use the mast

The most common way to use the properties of the mast is with the infusion of its leaves, preparing a tea:

  • Mastruz infusion: put a cup of coffee, from the fresh plant with seeds, in 500 ml of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink a cup every 6 hours. This infusion is indicated for the treatment of stomach problems.

In addition to the leaves, flowers and seeds can be used in infusions, mixed with milk, tincture, syrup, extract or essence, in the treatment of internal use or compresses.

Side effects of the mast

Side effects of the mast include irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, headache, vomiting, palpitations, liver damage, nausea and visual disturbances if used in high doses.

Is matruz abortive?

In high doses, the properties of the mast can act by altering the contractility of the body's muscles, so it can have an abortive effect in some people, and its use by pregnant women is discouraged.

Check out other dangerous plants as they are potentially abortive, which should be avoided in pregnancy.

Who should not use

The mast is recommended for pregnancies and children under 2 years of age. The mastruz is a medicinal herb that can be toxic, and medical advice is needed to define the recommended dose.

What is the plant mast and effects on the body