Home Bulls Bull of natural sucupira ointment

Bull of natural sucupira ointment


Sucupira Ointment is indicated for the treatment of pain, swelling and hives on the skin, also helping to relieve the symptoms of rheumatism.

This ointment is a more natural alternative for the relief of localized pain, as it has Sucupira in its composition, a medicinal plant with potent anti-inflammatory properties. This can be used to relieve the symptoms of various problems such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis or bursitis for example. Learn more about this medicinal plant at: Sucupira.


The price of Pomada de Sucupira varies between 15 and 20 reais, and can be purchased at health food stores or online stores.

How to use

Generally, it is recommended to apply the ointment in sufficient quantity to cover the entire affected region, massaging the region with previously heated hands. It is recommended to apply the ointment 2 to 3 times a day, until the symptoms disappear.

Side effects

Some of the side effects of this ointment may include local allergy reactions, with symptoms such as itching, redness, red spots and swelling of the skin.


Sucupira Ointment is contraindicated for patients with allergies to any of the components of the formula.

In addition, if you have a serious skin problem or have a history of allergy to other products or medicines, talk to your doctor before starting treatment with the product.

Bull of natural sucupira ointment