Home Bulls Ointments for furuncle

Ointments for furuncle


Applying the right ointment helps to treat the boil faster, relieving pain and discomfort. These products can be applied in any region of the body where the boil is located, being more common to appear in the groin, armpit, thigh, face or buttocks.

Generally, the ointments indicated for the treatment of furuncle, have antibiotics in their composition, as is the case of Nebaciderme, Nebacetin or Bactroban, for example, since the furuncle is an infection of the skin caused by bacteria, which forms a reddish lump, generating intense pain and discomfort.

In addition to antibiotic ointments, herbal products can also be used, which, although not as effective, can help in the treatment of boils.

How to use the ointment to dry the boil

The correct way to use the ointment varies according to the composition of each one:

1. Nebacetin or Nebaciderm

Nebacetin or Nebaciderme ointment has two antibiotics in its composition, neomycin and zincic bacitracin, and can be applied 2 to 5 times a day, with the aid of gauze, after washing your hands and the area to be treated. The duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor. Know the contraindications and side effects of these ointments.

2. Bactroban

Bactroban ointment, I have mupirocin antibiotic in the composition, and should be applied up to 3 times a day, with the aid of gauze, after washing your hands and the area to be treated. The ointment can be applied for a maximum of 10 days or as recommended by the doctor. See the contraindications and side effects of bactroban.

3. Verutex

Verutex ointment has the antibiotic fusidic acid in its composition, and can be applied 2 to 3 times a day, for a period of usually 7 days or as directed by the doctor. Find out more about Verutex indications.

4. Basilicão

Basilic ointment is a herbal remedy that helps to eliminate the boil, by helping to remove the pus and reduce the inflammatory process. The ointment should be applied to the affected area, after washing your hands and the area, followed by a massage.

After applying the ointment indicated by the doctor, it is possible that symptoms such as small itching, redness, swelling and temperature rise may appear, but its use is generally well tolerated. These ointments should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

How to treat the inflamed boil

When a boil is inflamed, it is necessary to keep the skin clean to prevent it from getting worse, as it is normal for the boil to start to leak and the pus to leave alone in about 7 to 10 days, which greatly relieves the pain, but increases the risk of infection by spreading bacteria on the skin.

Placing a warm compress on top of the boil is a good way to relieve pain, but it is important to use a sterile compress or gauze, each time you apply the compress, to reduce the risk of infection. The compress can also be soaked in chamomile tea, which can be used about 3x a day.

In addition, you should avoid squeezing or popping the boil with your nails, because it can be very painful and the infection can spread through the skin and you must also wash the area with an antiseptic solution.

Ointments for furuncle