Home Bulls Ointments for the 7 most common skin problems

Ointments for the 7 most common skin problems


Skin problems such as diaper rash, scabies, burns, dermatitis and psoriasis are usually treated with the use of creams and ointments that must be applied directly to the affected region.

The products used for these problems have distinct properties between them, being able to exert anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, healing, soothing and / or antipruritic action. The type of product and the duration of treatment depends on the cause of the problem, and should always be guided by a dermatologist.

1. Baby diaper rash

Diaper rash is a common skin problem in babies, due to the constant use of diapers and skin contact with urine and feces, which make it susceptible to fungal infections, and its symptoms are usually red, hot, painful and pelletized skin..

What to do: Some ointments that can be used are Bepantol, Hipoglós or Dermodex, which form a protective layer on the skin and stimulate healing and, some of them, also have antifungal in the composition, which helps to fight mycoses. Whenever the baby's diaper is changed, it is important to clean any ointment that is still on the skin and reapply the product again. See other examples here.

2. Scabies

Scabies, also called scabies, is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin and intense itching, which increases mainly at night.

What to do: Ointments or creams should be applied all over the body, containing permethrin, deltamethrin, benzoyl peroxide or ivermectin, as is the case with Acarsan, Sanasar, Pioletal or Escabin, for example. These products should be used according to medical advice, but are usually applied for 3 days, giving an interval of 7 days and then the application is made for another 3 days. See more about the treatment of Human Scabies.

3. Burn

Burns should be treated with healing ointments, which can be effective to heal the skin and prevent scarring in cases of first degree burns, such as those caused by the sun or hot substances, for example, as long as it does not cause the formation of blisters.

What to do: Ointments such as Nebacetin or Dermazine, for example, should be applied daily to the skin to hydrate and nourish the tissues and reduce inflammation. Learn more about how to treat the burn scar.

4. Skin spots

Skin blemishes are usually caused by age, excessive sun, use of chemicals, scars from illnesses or burns, and are usually difficult to treat.

What to do: To eliminate skin blemishes, creams or ointments can be used that inhibit the production of melanin or that promote cell renewal, so that the blemish disappears more quickly. Some products that can help are the Avene D-Pigment Whitening Emulsion, Vitacid or hydroquinone (Claquinone), for example. See other ways to lighten your skin.

5. Ringworm

Ringworm is a disease caused by fungi that can affect the skin, nails or scalp, causing severe itching and, in some cases, blemishes.

What to do: Ointments or spray lotions should be applied to the affected area for 3 to 4 weeks, according to medical advice. Some examples of products used are clotrimazole, ketoconazole, or miconazole. See more about ringworm treatment.

6. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that can appear at any age, causing symptoms such as swelling, redness, itching and flaking.

What to do: This disease has no cure, but it can be controlled with the use of ointments and corticoid creams that stimulate healing and must be prescribed by a dermatologist, such as betamethasone or dexamethasone, for example. See how the complete treatment is done.

7. Psoriasis

Psoriasis causes the appearance of sores, itching, peeling and, in the most severe cases, reddish plaques also appear on the skin. This disease has no specific cause and has no cure, only the control of symptoms is possible.

What to do: The treatment of psoriasis includes the use of moisturizing creams and anti-inflammatory ointments, which also reduce itching and stimulate healing, such as Antraline and Daivonex, for example. Find out how psoriasis treatment is done.

It is important to remember that any skin problem should be treated with the guidance of the dermatologist, as the products can cause side effects, allergies or cause blemishes when used in the wrong way.

Ointments for the 7 most common skin problems