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Ointments for insect bites


There are several types of gels, creams and ointments that can be used to treat insect bites, such as mosquitoes, spiders, rubber or fleas, for example.

These products can have different components in their composition, with anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, healing, anti-itchy and antiseptic action. Some examples of these products are:

  • Polaramine, Polaryn, with dexchlorpheniramine maleate, which is an antihistamine that relieves itching and swelling. It can be applied twice a day to the affected region; Andantol, with isotipendil hydrochloride, which is an antihistamine that relieves itching and swelling. It can be applied from 1 to 6 times a day; Minancora, with zinc oxide, benzalkonium chloride and camphor, with antiseptic, anti-itchy and slightly analgesic action. It can be applied twice a day; Cortigen, Berlison, with hydrocortisone, which works by reducing swelling and itching. should be applied in a thin layer, 2 to 3 times a day; Fenergan, with promethazine hydrochloride, which is an antihistamine, which relieves itching and swelling, and can be used 3 to 4 times a day.

The dosage may vary from product to product. To aid the treatment, cold compresses can also be used over the region.

In the case of an insect bite in which other symptoms characteristic of an allergic reaction occur, such as swelling larger than normal in the entire limb, swelling of the face and mouth or difficulty breathing, for example, one should consult immediately the general practitioner or go to the emergency room. Learn more about insect bite allergy.

What to pass on a baby insect bite

Baby insect bite ointments should be different from those used by adults, as they have more sensitive and permeable skin. Some ointments or creams that can be used in baby insect bites, should have the composition azulene, alpha-bisabolol or calamine, for example.

Antiallergic ointments should only be used if recommended by the doctor and those with camphor in the composition, should be avoided in children under 2 years, as they can be toxic.

When the baby has an inflamed insect bite or that takes a long time to pass, it is best to consult the pediatrician to start the appropriate and effective treatment. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe anti-allergies to be taken orally.

A good tip to avoid complications from the baby's insect bite is to keep the child's nails cut, preventing trauma that could cause infections, putting cold compresses on the bites and using insect repellents, which keep them away from the baby, preventing the bites. See also how to make a home remedy for insect bites.

Ointments for insect bites