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Can I take antibiotics with milk?


Although not harmful to health, Antibiotics are remedies that should not be taken with milk, because the calcium present in milk decreases its effect on the body.

Fruit juices are also not always recommended, as they can interfere with their action, increasing their absorption speed, which ends up decreasing their action time. Therefore, water is the most suitable liquid to take any medication, as it is neutral and does not interact with the composition of the medication, ensuring its effectiveness.

In addition, certain foods should not be consumed at the same time as medications, so it is recommended to eat meals 2 hours before or 1 hour after taking the medicine.

Remedies that should not be taken with meals

See some examples of foods that interact with the action of some medicines in the following table:

Class Medicines Guidance
  • Warfarin
Do not take with vitamin K foods such as lettuce, carrots, spinach and broccoli
  • ImipramineAmitriptylineClomipramineNortriptyline
Do not take with foods rich in fiber, such as cereals, papaya, figs, kiwis
  • Paracetamol
Do not take with foods rich in fiber, such as cereals, papaya, figs, kiwis
  • TetracyclineCiprofloxacinOfloxacinNorfloxacin
Do not take with foods containing calcium, iron or magnesium such as milk, meat or nuts
  • Digoxin
Do not take with foods rich in fiber, such as cereals, papaya, figs, kiwis

Remedies that should be taken with juice or other foods

Certain medications can be taken with water, but they can have more effect when taken with grapefruit juice because it increases the speed of absorption of the medication and therefore has a faster effect, however, this is not always desired. The same can happen with fatty foods, such as yellow cheese. See some examples in the table:


Medicines Guidance
  • DiazepamMidazolamTriazolamBuspirone
Grapefruit can increase the action, use under medical guidance
  • Sertraline
Grapefruit can increase the action, use under medical guidance
  • Griseofulvin
Take with fatty foods, such as 1 slice of yellow cheese
  • Praziquantel
Take with fatty foods, such as 1 slice of yellow cheese
  • Hydrochlorothiazide Chlortalidone Indapamide

Take with fatty foods, such as 1 slice of yellow cheese

  • FelodipinoNifedipino

Grapefruit can increase the action, use under medical guidance

  • CelecoxibValdecoxibParecoxib
Any food must be consumed 30 minutes before, to protect the stomach walls
  • Simvastatin Atorvastatin
Grapefruit can increase the action, use under medical guidance

To ensure the effectiveness of the medicine, it is most appropriate to ask the doctor how to take the medicine. Whether it can be with liquids, and whether it is better to take before meals or after, for example. A good tip is to write down these guidelines in the medicine box to remember whenever you have to take them and if in doubt consult the medicine leaflet.

Medicines that should not be taken together

Another important precaution is not to mix too many drugs because the drug interaction can compromise the results. Some examples of drugs that should not be taken together are:

  • Corticosteroids, such as Decadron and Meticorden, and anti-inflammatories such as Voltaren, Cataflan and Feldene Antacids, such as Pepsamar and Mylanta plus, and antibiotics, such as Tetramox Weight loss medication, such as Sibutramine, and antidepressants, such as Deprax, Fluoxetine, Prozac, Vazy Inhibitor of appetite, like Inibex and anxiolytics like, Dualid, Valium, Lorax and Lexotan

To avoid this type of disorder, no medication should be taken without medical advice.

Can I take antibiotics with milk?