Home Bulls How to use and what is the use of postec ointment

How to use and what is the use of postec ointment


Postec is an ointment for the treatment of phimosis, which consists of an inability to expose the glans, the terminal part of the penis, because the skin that covers it does not have enough opening. This treatment can last for about 3 weeks, but the dosage may vary, according to the need and instructions of the doctor.

This ointment contains betamethasone valerate, a corticosteroid with a great anti-inflammatory effect and another substance called hyaluronidase, which is an enzyme that facilitates the entry of this corticoid into the skin.

Postec can be purchased in pharmacies for a price of about 80 to 110 reais, upon presentation of a prescription. Learn more about phimosis and what the treatment options are.

How to use

Postec ointment can be used on people aged between 1 and 30 years and must be applied twice a day, directly on the skin of the foreskin, for 3 consecutive weeks or according to medical advice.

To apply the ointment you must first urinate and then wash and dry the genital area properly. Then, pull the excess skin back slightly, without causing any pain, and apply the ointment to that area and up to half of the penis.

After the 7th day, you should pull the skin back a little more, but without causing pain and gently massage the area so that the ointment is fully spread and covers the entire area. Then, the skin must be placed under the glans again.

Finally, you should wash your hands, until you remove all traces of the ointment, to avoid contact with the eyes.

Possible side effects

Postec is usually well tolerated, but it can lead to increased blood circulation at the site and cause irritation and a burning sensation, with burning and swelling.

Urinating right after the use of the ointment can be uncomfortable, causing burning and, therefore, if the child is afraid of urinating for this reason, it is better to abandon the treatment because holding the pee is harmful to health.

Who should not use

Postec ointment is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age and in people who are hypersensitive to the components present in the formula.

How to use and what is the use of postec ointment