Home Bulls Prelox



Prelox is a mixture of two natural substances, known as L-arginine and Pycnogenol®, which help to maintain healthy blood vessels, facilitating the flow of blood to the genital region, important for the maintenance of a satisfactory erection.

Prelox can be purchased from conventional pharmacies and some health food stores in the form of blue tablets.

Prelox Price

The price of Prelox is approximately 120 reais, however, the amount may vary according to the number of pills in the product box.

Indications of Prelox

Prelox is indicated to improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

How to use Prelox

The way to use Prelox consists of taking 4 tablets a day, for the first 2 weeks, taking 2 in the morning and 2 at night. After this period, you should take only 2 Prelox tablets in the morning.

Side Effects of Prelox

The main side effects of Prelox include headaches, diarrhea, abdominal pain and belly swelling.

Contraindications for Prelox

Prelox is contraindicated for women, children and patients with heart or kidney problems. In addition, Prelox should not be used by patients who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the formula.
