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How to Rescue Fire Victims


First aid for fire victims are:

  • Keep calm and call the fire department and an ambulance by calling 192 or 193; Wet a clean cloth and tie it to your face, as if it were a mask, to prevent you from breathing smoke; If there is a lot of smoke, stay crouched nearby to the floor where the heat is lower and there is more oxygen, as shown in image 1; safely remove the victim from the fire place and lay him on the floor, as shown in figure 2; if the victim's body is on fire, roll over -the floor until they go out; check that the victim is breathing and that the heart is beating; give the victim room to breathe; do not offer fluids.

It is essential to offer a 100% oxygen mask to all victims who have inhaled smoke during a fire to decrease the chances of oxygen monoxide poisoning, fainting and consequent death. Here's what to do when someone inhales a lot of smoke.

Mouth to mouth ressuscitation

If the victim is unable to breathe alone, do a mouth-to-mouth breath:

  • Lay the individual on their backs. Loosen the individual's clothes. Stretch his neck back, leaving his chin up. Open the individual's mouth and try to see if there is any object or liquid in his throat and remove it from there with your fingers or a tweezersTap the individual's nose with your fingersPush your mouth into his mouth and blow the air out of your mouth into his mouthRepeat this for 20 times a minuteAlways keep an eye on the individual's chest to see if there is any movement

When the individual starts breathing again alone, remove your mouth from his mouth and let him breathe freely, but pay attention to his breathing, as he may stop breathing again, so it will be necessary to start over from the beginning.

Cardiac massage in adults

If the victim's heart is not beating, have a cardiac massage:

  • Lie the victim on the floor on his back; Position the victim's head a little back, leaving the chin higher; Support your hands open over each other, fingers up, you will only use the palm of your hand; Place your hands on the left side of the victim's chest (in the heart) and leave your own arms straight; Push your hands hard and quickly over the heart by counting 2 pushes per second (cardiac compression); Perform cardiac compression 30 times in a row and then blow the air from your mouth into the victim's mouth; repeat this procedure without interruption, checking if the victim has resumed breathing.

It is very important not to interrupt the compressions, so if the first person who attended the victim gets tired of doing the cardiac massage, it is important that another person continues to do the compressions in a rotation schedule, always respecting the same rhythm.

Cardiac massage in babies and children

In the case of cardiac massage in children, follow the same procedure, but do not use your hands, but your fingers.

Useful link:

How to Rescue Fire Victims