Home Bulls First aid for unconscious baby

First aid for unconscious baby


First aid for an unconscious baby depends on what made the baby unconscious. The baby may be unconscious due to head trauma, due to a fall or seizure, because he was choked or any other reason that makes the baby unable to breathe alone.

However, in any case it is necessary to:

  • Call 192 immediately and call an ambulance or SAMU; Assess whether the baby is breathing and whether the heart is beating.

If the baby up to 1 year old is choking

If the baby up to 1 year old is not breathing because he is choking, it should be:

  • Check if there is any object in the baby's mouth; Remove the object from the baby's mouth with two fingers in a single attempt; 5 pats on the baby's back, as shown in image 1; turn the baby over and check if he has breathed again on his own. If the baby is still not breathing, do cardiac massage with just two fingers, as shown in image 2; Wait for the medical help to arrive.

If the baby over 1 year old is choking

If the baby over 1 year old is choking and not breathing, you should:

  • Hold the baby from behind and give 5 pats on the back; Turn the baby over and check if he started breathing again on his own. If the baby is still not breathing, perform the Heimlich maneuver, holding the baby from behind, clenching his fists and pushing in and up, as shown in image 3; Wait for the arrival of medical help.

If the baby's heart is not beating, a cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth breathing should be performed.

First aid for unconscious baby