- What to do when sugar is high
- What to do when sugar is low
- What to do when a skin sore appears
- How to avoid wound complications
- What to do if you twist your foot
- Warning signs to go to the doctor
To do first aid for diabetics you need to know if it is an episode of excess blood sugar or a lack of sugar. Therefore, if possible, it is important to check with a device to measure the amount of sugar in the blood, the value of blood glucose.
In addition, it is also important to know what first aid is available in other situations that may happen on a daily basis and that represent a greater risk of consequences for the diabetic, such as having a skin wound or twisting the foot, for example.
What to do when sugar is high
In cases where sugar is high in the blood, called hyperglycemia, that is, when the value of the device is above 180 mg / dL on an empty stomach or above 250 mg / dL at any time of the day, or the victim is confused, thirst or apple breath, it must be:
- Look for any insulin syringe that the victim may have for emergency situations; Inject the syringe in the region around the navel or in the upper arm, making a fold with your fingers, keeping it until the end of the injection, as in the image 1; If after 1 hour, the value of sugar remains the same, call medical help, immediately call 192 or take the victim to the hospital immediately.
If the victim is unconscious, place him in the lateral safety position, as shown in figure 2, while waiting for medical help to arrive.
What to do when sugar is low
When sugar is low in the blood, called hypoglycemia, that is, when the device shows glycemia below 70 mg / dL or the individual has symptoms such as tremors, cold skin, or fainting, it is important:
- Offer something sweet to eat, such as 1 tablespoon full or 2 packets of sugar with a loaf; If blood sugar does not rise or symptoms do not improve in 30 minutes, give sugar back to the victim (if she is conscious); If the sugar remains the same for another 30 minutes, call for medical help, immediately call 192 or take the victim to the hospital immediately; if the victim is unconscious, put him in the lateral safety position while waiting for medical help.
In cases where blood sugar does not rise, emergency medical help is needed for the victim to receive medicine through the vein.
What to do when a skin sore appears
When the diabetic gets hurt it is important to take good care of the wound, because even if it is small and superficial, the wound is more likely to present complications such as ulcers or infections, especially when it happens in more humid or stuffy places like the feet, the folds of the wound. skin or groin, for example.
Read how to properly care for skin wounds if you have diabetes.
In addition to taking care of the wound it is also essential to be aware of some signs that indicate the development of these complications, such as the appearance of redness, swelling, severe pain or pus in the area. In these cases, it is recommended to go to the general practitioner.
When the wound is very small but takes more than 1 month to heal, it is advisable to go to a nursing consultation to assess the need for more specialized treatment, with dressings that favor healing.
How to avoid wound complications
During treatment it is important to take care to avoid infections, and should:
- Use clean towels to dry the affected skin area; Avoid contact with pets; Avoid places with sand or earth; Avoid clothes or shoes that are tight over the wound.
Thus, the ideal is to keep the wound clean, dry and away from situations that may worsen the wound, especially until healing is complete.
What to do if you twist your foot
If the diabetic sprains his or her foot or other joint, physical activity should be stopped and the area affected should not be forced, avoiding walking for a long time and climbing stairs, for example.
In addition, you should keep your foot elevated to promote circulation and place ice on the affected area for 20 minutes, twice a day, remembering to wrap the ice in a damp cloth to avoid burning your skin.
The twist usually causes swelling and pain, and makes the area hotter and bruised. In the most severe cases, in which there is severe pain and swelling that does not improve, a doctor should be consulted to assess the severity of the injury and check for a fracture.
Warning signs to go to the doctor
The doctor should be contacted when:
In case of high sugar
- Capillary glycemia greater than 180 mg / dL for more than 1 hour, fasting; Capillary glycemia greater than 250 mg / dL for more than 1 hour, after eating; The patient is unconscious. In this case, medical assistance should be called quickly, calling 192.
In case of low sugar
- Capillary glucose lower than 70 mg / dL for more than 30 minutes; The patient is unconscious. In this case, medical assistance should be called quickly, calling 192.
In case of skin wounds
- Fever higher than 38ÂșC; Presence of pus in the wound; Increased redness, swelling and pain in the area; Worsening of the wound healing process; Loss of sensitivity around the wound or tingling; Presence of sweat and chills in the body.
These signs indicate that the wound site may be infected, with a greater risk of worsening the wound and complications, such as ulcers.
In the most severe cases, when these signs are ignored and the proper treatment is not done, the affected tissue may suffer necrosis, which happens when the region does not receive enough oxygen and the tissues die, and it may be necessary to amputate the affected limb.
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