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What to do after snakebite


The most important thing after a snakebite is to keep the member that was bitten as still as possible, because the more you move the more the poison can spread through the body and reach several vital organs. This also applies to any activity that can speed up the heartbeat, as the increased blood circulation also spreads the blood.

Thus, the ideal is that the victim does not walk and is transported by stretcher to the hospital. Another option is to call medical help at 192.

Until you get to the hospital or until medical help arrives, what you should do to improve your chances of salvation are:

  1. Wash the area with soap and water to clean the wound and prevent the entry of more poison or microorganisms; Tie a piece of fabric a few inches above the location of the snake bite. However, it should not be tied too tightly because it can cause major complications, and if more than half an hour has passed since the snake's bite, it should not be tied.

Most snakes in Brazil do not have poison and, therefore, the bite is not dangerous for health, however, in any case it is always important to go to the hospital to inform the characteristics of the snake and confirm and identify if it really was poisonous. or not. If it has been bitten by a poisonous snake, the antidote for the poison is usually administered, so that the lesions stop happening.

If it is not possible to transport the snake to the hospital, it is advisable to take note of the main characteristics, such as color, pattern, head shape and size, or take a photo.

What not to do after the bite

There are several popular beliefs about what to do after a snakebite, however, it is discouraged:

  • Try to suck the poison out of the bite; Make a tight tourniquet; Cut the bite site;

In addition, you should not apply any type of homemade mixture on the bite, as besides not having scientific proof, it can end up causing an infection of the place.

How to know if the snake is poisonous or not

Although it is not a completely effective method, there are some characteristics that can help to distinguish a venous snake from a non-venomous or non-venomous snake. Some of these features include:

Poisonous snake Non-poisonous snake
Triangular and flattened head. Narrow and elongated head.
Elongated teeth at the front of the mouth. No elongated or elongated teeth at the back of the mouth.
Slit eyes, similar to closed cat's eye. Eyes with circular pupil.
Tail that tunes quickly. Tail that gradually tapers with the body.
Attempts to attack when pursued. Flees when chased.

In any case, it is always important to go to the hospital to make a general assessment of vital signs and to ensure that there are no life-threatening changes.

Symptoms of a poisonous snake bite

In the case of a poisonous snake bite, with injection of poison, it is common that, after the pain that appears in the place due to the bite, other symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Pain that worsens over time; Swelling that increases and affects more areas around the bite; Sore tongues in places close to the bite. For example, in the arm it is possible that swelling of the underarm armpits, while in the leg they can inflamm those of the groin; Blisters on the skin; Nausea and vomiting; Dizziness, feeling of general malaise and fainting.

However, these symptoms can vary according to the species of snake, and there are even some poisonous snakes in which the bite does not cause any symptoms. So it is always important to go to the hospital, even if you suspect that the snake is not really poisonous.

What to do after snakebite