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What to do in case of burn


In most burns, the most important step is to quickly cool the skin so that the deeper layers do not continue to burn and cause injuries.

However, depending on the degree of the burn, care can be different, especially in the 3rd degree, which should be evaluated as soon as possible by a doctor, in the hospital, to avoid serious complications such as destruction of nerves or muscles.

We indicate in the video below the first steps to treat a burn at home, in a light and fun way:

What to do in 1st degree burn

The first degree burn only affects the superficial layer of the skin causing signs such as pain and redness in the region. In these cases it is recommended that:

  1. Place the burnt area under cold water for at least 15 minutes; Keep a clean cloth moistened with cold water in the region for the first 24 hours, changing whenever the water gets hot; Do not apply any product such as oil or butter to the burn; Apply a moisturizing or healing ointment for burns, such as Nebacetin or Unguento. See a more complete list of ointments;

This type of burn is more common when you spend a lot of time in the sun or when you touch a very hot object. Usually the pain subsides after 2 or 3 days, but the burn can take up to 2 weeks to heal, even with the use of ointments.

Generally, the 1st degree burn does not leave any type of scar on the skin and rarely presents complications.

What to do in 2nd degree burn

The 2nd degree burn affects the intermediate layers of the skin and, therefore, in addition to redness and pain, other symptoms may appear, such as blisters or swelling of the area. In this type of burn it is advised that:

  1. Place the affected area under cold running water for at least 15 minutes; Wash the burn carefully with cold water and neutral pH soap, avoiding scrubbing too hard; Cover the area with wet gauze or with a lot of petroleum jelly, and secure with a bandage for the first 48 hours, changing whenever necessary; Do not pierce the bubbles and do not apply any product in the place, to avoid the risk of infection; Get medical help if the blister is too large.

This burn is more frequent when the heat is longer in contact with the skin, such as when hot water is spilled on clothes or held in something hot for a long time, for example.

In most cases, the pain improves after 3 days, but the burn can take up to 3 weeks to disappear. Although 2nd degree burns rarely leave scars, the skin may be lighter in place.

What to do in the 3rd degree burn

3rd degree burn is a serious condition that can be life-threatening, since the deeper layers of the skin are being affected, including nerves, blood vessels and muscle. Therefore, in this case it is recommended that:

  1. Call an ambulance immediately, calling 192 or take the person quickly to the hospital; Cool the burnt area with saline, or failing that, tap water, for about 10 minutes; Carefully place a sterile gauze pad moistened with saline or a clean cloth over the affected area, until medical help arrives. If the burned area is very large, you can wrap a clean sheet moistened with saline and that does not shed hair; Do not place any type of product in the affected region.

In some cases, the 3rd degree burn can be so severe that it causes failure in several organs. In these cases, if the victim passes out and stops breathing, cardiac massage should be started. See here the step-by-step of this massage.

Since all skin layers are affected, nerves, glands, muscles and even internal organs can suffer serious injuries. In this type of burn you may not feel pain due to the destruction of the nerves, but immediate medical help is needed to avoid serious complications, as well as infections.

What not to do

After burning your skin it is very important to know what to do to quickly relieve symptoms, but you must also know what not to do, especially to avoid complications or sequelae. Thus, it is advised that:

  • Do not try to remove objects or clothes stuck to the burn; Do not spread butter, toothpaste, coffee, salt or any other homemade product; Do not pop any bubbles that appear after the burn;

In addition, gel should not be applied to the skin, as the extreme cold, besides causing irritation, can worsen the burn and even cause a shock due to the great difference in temperatures.

When to go to the hospital

Most burns can be treated at home, however, it is advisable to go to the hospital when the burn is larger than the palm of your hand, many blisters appear or it is a third degree burn, which affects the deeper layers of the skin.

In addition, if the burn also occurs in sensitive areas such as hands, feet, genitals or face, you should also go to the hospital.

What to do in case of burn