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Skipping rope: main benefits and how to start jumping


Skipping rope slims, burns calories and eliminates the belly by sculpting the body. In just 30 minutes of this exercise it is possible to lose up to 300 calories and tone your thighs, calves, buttocks and abdomen.

To start you need to invest in the purchase of a rope and a sneaker that absorbs the impact well to protect the joints. It is also necessary to be careful not to jump rope over the grass (so as not to fall into holes) and on the asphalt. The ideal place to jump rope is on rugs, on a wooden floor or on a rubber floor.

Check out the benefits of skipping and the care you should take in the following video:

Jump rope lose weight?

Skipping rope can, in fact, be a good type of exercise for those looking to lose weight, however, the results are usually better when exercising with the rope is also accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet. As skipping rope is a practical and quite complete activity, as it is carried out, the metabolism is accelerated, favoring the loss of calories and promoting healthy weight loss.

See an example of healthy eating for those who need to lose weight.

Health Benefits

Skipping rope is a very complete aerobic exercise, as it stimulates the muscles and the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Thus, the main benefits of skipping rope are:

  • Improves physical conditioning; Tones muscles; Burns calories; Promotes a feeling of well-being; Develops motor coordination, agility and balance; Improves cardiorespiratory capacity; Helps to lose weight.

Although it is a great exercise it is important to take some precautions when jumping rope, such as doing the exercise on a flat surface and using sneakers with good cushioning to reduce the impact on the knee and prevent injury and drink water during physical activity.

Skipping rope is not suitable for people who are overweight, elderly, pregnant and with joint problems, it can result in damage to the knees, ankles and hips, for example.

How to start skipping rope

When starting, you should jump low and jump only when the rope is passing close to your feet for 1 minute, followed by 1 minute of rest, for up to 20 minutes in total. Posture is very important: a straight back, eyes facing forward and contracting abdominal muscles are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the exercise.

A training option to jump rope and increase caloric expenditure is to do the exercise in an interval fashion. That is, jump rope for 1 minute and rest for 1 minute until the determined time is reached before starting the exercise. In this way, it is possible to speed up the metabolism and, consequently, the burning of calories.

However, to ensure a healthy weight loss it is important to avoid the consumption of foods rich in fat and sugar and invest in foods that increase metabolism, such as ginger and green tea, and to practice exercises that favor the formation of muscles, such as weight training, for example.

Skipping rope: main benefits and how to start jumping