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6 Causes of constipation and what to do


Constipation can happen as a consequence of some habits, such as poor fiber intake, drinking little fluids and not doing physical activity, for example, which can make the person feel uncomfortable, unwell and irritated.

Thus, it is important to identify the cause of constipation so that actions can be taken to favor bowel movement, such as increasing the consumption of foods rich in fiber and starting to exercise, for example.

1. Low fiber food

The fibers are important for the proper functioning of the intestine and to make the stool softer, being easier to be eliminated. Thus, when you have a diet low in fiber, the stools become more hard and the intestine does not work properly, resulting in constipation.

What to do: To avoid constipation, it is important to add foods rich in fiber in the diet, in addition to increasing the consumption of water and teas, for example. For the proper functioning of the intestine, it is recommended to consume about 20 to 40 g of fiber per day, which can be present in fruits and vegetables, whole foods and chickpeas, for example.

Check out which foods help to loosen the stuck intestine:

2. Drinking few fluids

Drinking water throughout the day favors the functioning of the intestine and, consequently, the elimination of feces. In addition, water is important for the soluble fibers to be dissolved and there is the formation of a kind of gel in the stomach and intestine that guarantees a greater feeling of satiety.

What to do: It is recommended that at least 2 liters of water be consumed per day so that the intestine can function properly and so that there are other benefits as well. In addition to water, other liquids can be ingested, such as teas or fruit juices, for example. Know the main benefits of drinking water.

3. Not doing physical activity

Sedentary lifestyle can also result in constipation, because there is a decrease in metabolism and bowel movements, causing the stool to remain in the intestine longer.

What to do: It is important to perform physical activities for at least 30 minutes a day so that the bowel can function properly and the symptoms of constipation are relieved. In addition, regular physical exercise promotes increased disposition, improves immunity and promotes a sense of well-being. See other benefits of physical activity.

4. Don't go to the bathroom when you feel like it

When the person does not go to the bathroom when he feels like it, the stools return to the intestine and become more dry and hardened and the intestine slowly loses its functions, which makes it more difficult during defecation, and it is necessary to perform more strength and favoring the appearance of hemorrhoids, for example.

What to do: An interesting strategy to regulate the bowel and avoid constipation is to go to the bathroom at the same time every day, even if there is no desire, and stay for about 15 to 20 minutes. This causes a biological clock to be established and constipation to be combated.

Learn how to poop the right way to avoid constipation by watching the following video:

5. Anxiety and Nervousness

Psychological and emotional situations, such as anxiety and nervousness, for example, can decrease blood flow to the intestine, for example, and cause intestinal transit to be affected, resulting in constipation.

What to do: In these cases it is important to identify the cause of constipation and try to relax, as it is possible that the symptoms associated with constipation are controlled and the functioning of the intestine regulated.

6. Excessive use of laxatives

The frequent use of laxatives can irritate the mucosa and reduce the roughness of the intestine, making it difficult for the stool to move and preventing its release. In addition, the frequent use of laxatives causes dependency to happen, that is, the intestine only works after the use of laxatives.

What to do: To avoid the use of laxatives, it is important to stimulate the bowel function in a natural way, that is, by increasing the consumption of fibers, practicing physical activity and ingesting at least 2 liters of water per day. The use of laxatives should only be done with medical recommendation, when the person needs to do some type of diagnostic test or when even with adequate food he is unable to evacuate. Know some remedies that help fight constipation.

6 Causes of constipation and what to do