Home Symptoms Vomiting with blood: what can be and what to do

Vomiting with blood: what can be and what to do


Vomiting with blood, scientifically called hematemesis, is the exit of undigested blood through the mouth and can happen due to any change involving the constituent organs of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach, esophagus and throat, for example.

Blood can be present in small or large quantities and must always be communicated to the doctor, as it can indicate serious conditions that need treatment. The diagnosis of hematemesis is made through an endoscopy, in which the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract is assessed and treatment is indicated by a gastroenterologist or general practitioner and aims to solve the cause of the vomiting with blood, being different for each case.

What can it be

Bloody vomiting can result from several conditions, for example:

1. Esophageal varices

Esophageal varices are dilated blood vessels in the esophagus that can arise due to obstruction in the circulation of the hepatic portal system, which corresponds to the system responsible for draining blood from the abdominal organs. Thus, in the presence of obstruction in this system, there is an increase in pressure in the esophageal veins, resulting in bleeding that can be perceived through vomiting with blood, dark and smelly stools, called melena, pallor and dizziness.

What to do: If varicose veins are suspected and the person is vomiting blood, it is very important to go quickly to the emergency room to stop the bleeding. When the person is already diagnosed with varicose veins, the most recommended is to follow up with a gastroenterologist, so that treatment can be started with the aim of improving the cause of varicose veins and preventing bleeding. For this, it is usually recommended to use beta-blocking drugs, in addition to performing surgery. Understand how the treatment for esophageal varices should be.

2. Gastritis

Gastritis corresponds to inflammation of the stomach, which can result in the destruction of the gastric mucosa when not identified or treated correctly. Thus, as the mucosa is destroyed, ulcers may appear, which may bleed over time and lead to vomiting with blood and dark stools. In addition, it is possible that the person may experience other symptoms of gastritis, such as abdominal discomfort, a burning sensation in the stomach and nausea.

What to do: The best thing to do is to go to the gastroenterologist so that tests can be done to identify the degree of inflammation of the stomach and, thus, the treatment can be done correctly. It is usually indicated to use stomach protective drugs to prevent the progression of inflammation, as these drugs create a barrier that prevents the action of gastric acid on the stomach wall, favoring tissue recovery and relieving symptoms.

In addition, it is important that there is a change in eating habits in an attempt to also reduce stomach inflammation, and it is recommended to avoid the consumption of spicy foods, sauces, fats, alcoholic beverages and sausages, for example.

3. Esophagitis

Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus, which is the structure that connects the mouth to the stomach, and is most often caused by infections, gastritis and reflux. Thus, due to excessive acidity in the esophagus, inflammation occurs, which leads to the appearance of some symptoms such as heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth, throat pain and vomiting with blood.

What to do: It is important that the cause of esophagitis is identified so that the most appropriate treatment can be started. Most of the time, the general practitioner or gastroenterologist recommends the use of drugs that decrease stomach acidity, such as Omeprazole, in addition to changes in eating habits until the esophagitis is cured and there is no more risk of inflammation. Learn how to identify esophagitis and how treatment should be.

4. Gastric ulcers

The presence of ulcers in the stomach is, in most cases, a consequence of chronic gastritis, because when gastritis is not identified and treated, the gastric mucosa is constantly irritated by the acid produced in the stomach, favoring the appearance of ulcers.

Stomach ulcers can be perceived through stomach pain between meals or at night, which does not go away even with the use of drugs to facilitate digestion, in addition to nausea and vomiting, which may be accompanied by blood. Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of gastric ulcer.

What to do: As with gastritis and esophagitis, the use of stomach protective medications is recommended, which should be used according to the doctor's recommendation, to prevent the gastric mucosa from becoming increasingly irritated and to facilitate the healing of ulcers., in addition to changes in eating habits.

5. Bleeding from the nose

When the nosebleed is very intense, the person may involuntarily swallow blood and then eliminate it through vomiting, characterizing hematemesis. Most of the time, bloody vomiting due to nasal bleeding is not severe, however, it is important that the person observes the frequency of bleeding and the amount of blood eliminated, and it is important to consult the doctor if it is very frequent.

What to do: To stop bleeding from the nose and thus prevent vomiting with blood, it is recommended that the nose be compressed with a handkerchief or apply ice to the area and keep the head tilted forward. Here's how to stop nosebleed.

6. Cancer

The presence of tumors in the stomach or esophagus can cause blood to leak out of the mouth, however this symptom is more common in advanced stages of cancer. In addition to bloody vomiting, most of the time, other signs and symptoms that are indicative of the disease may be noticed, such as loss of appetite and weight, difficulties in swallowing, dark and smelling stools, feeling of full stomach, excessive tiredness and abdominal discomfort. Learn to recognize all the symptoms of esophageal cancer.

What to do: If cancer of the stomach or esophagus is considered, it is important to have diagnostic tests, such as endoscopy and biopsy, so that, in case of confirmation, treatment can be started quickly, preventing progression disease and complications for the person.

Vomiting with blood in the baby

The baby may also experience vomiting with blood, and the cause should be investigated by the pediatrician. Usually when the baby vomits blood it can be indicative of hemorrhagic disease (lack of vitamin K), liver disease, serious infections or, to be less severe, blood intake during breastfeeding due to the presence of cracks or cracks in the mother's nipple.

In the case of children, vomiting with blood can happen due to losing a tooth, bleeding from the nose that runs down the throat, coughing hard for many days or taking medication, for example.

Vomiting with blood: what can be and what to do