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Constipation in pregnancy: symptoms and how to treat


Constipation in pregnancy is a normal situation that happens due to the normal changes that happen in pregnancy and also favored by the growth of the belly and weight that the uterus exerts on the intestine, making bowel movements difficult, so it is important that the woman during pregnancy has healthy habits, such as increased water consumption, foods rich in fiber and physical activity, as this way it is possible to stimulate the proper functioning of the intestine.

Constipation in pregnancy does not harm the baby, but it can cause cramps and abdominal discomfort in the pregnant woman. When these symptoms are accompanied by nausea or abdominal pain on one side, it is advisable to consult the obstetrician so that the cause of the symptoms is investigated and appropriate treatment can be started.

How to Treat Constipation in Pregnancy

To treat constipation during pregnancy, several tips can be followed, such as:

  1. Eat dried black plum daily. Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods, such as All Bran cereals, passion fruit, almonds in shell, cabbage, sesame, guava, peas, apples, pear in shell or tangerine. Know more fiber-rich foods; Increase the consumption of water-rich foods such as radish, tomatoes, turnip, watermelon, strawberry or melon, for example. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, which can be consumed still in form of soups or juices. For those who have difficulty drinking water, a good tip is to drink tea or put a slice of lemon or orange in a jar of water and drink slowly. Another important tip is to do some type of physical activity, but due to the weight of the belly, the most suitable are muscle stretching exercises and light walks.

An excellent way to combat constipation in pregnancy is to make a smoothie from natural yogurt with papaya and honey and take it daily for breakfast. Check out another natural remedy for constipation.

Symptoms of constipation in pregnancy

The symptoms of constipation in pregnancy arise because, during pregnancy, the uterus puts pressure on the intestine, in addition, the pregnancy hormones slow the transit of food in the intestine. The most frequent symptoms of constipation during pregnancy are:

  • Cramps; Abdominal stiffness; Bloating; Irritability; Abdominal discomfort.

It is important that women invest in a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy so that constipation is avoided, as well as the symptoms, which are quite uncomfortable. In case the symptoms are very intense or nausea, for example, it is important to go to the obstetrician so that the woman can be evaluated and the doctor evaluates the need to use laxatives or suppositories, for example.

Watch the following video and learn other tips to relieve pregnancy symptoms:

Constipation in pregnancy: symptoms and how to treat