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Probenecid is a remedy to prevent gout attacks, as it helps to eliminate excess uric acid in the urine.

In addition, probenecid is also used in combination with other antibiotics, especially in the penicillin class, to increase your time in the body.

Indications of Probenecida

Probenecida is indicated for the prevention of gout crises, as it helps to normalize the levels of uric acid in the blood. In addition, it is indicated to increase the time of some antibiotics, mainly of the penicillin class, in the body.

How to use Probenecada

How to use Probenecida includes:

  • Gout: one 250 mg tablet twice a day for 1 week. Then, switch to 500 mg tablets twice a day for a maximum of 3 days; Associated with other antibiotics:
    • Adults and children over 14 years old or weighing more than 50 kg: one 500 mg tablet 4 times a day; Children 2 to 14 years old or weighing less than 50 kg: start with 25 mg per kg of weight, in doses divided every 6 hours. Then move to 40 mg per kg of weight, in divided doses, every 6 hours.

Probenecide side effects

Side effects of Probenecida include lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, erythema, generalized itching, skin rashes and renal colic.

Contraindications for Probenecida

Probenecida is contraindicated in breastfeeding, in patients with kidney stones, in children under 2 years of age, to treat the acute crisis of gout, in patients with allergy to probenecid or in patients with changes in blood cells.

The use of Probenec in pregnant women, in patients with impaired renal function, in patients with peptic ulcer or porphyria should only be done under medical guidance and prescription.
