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Prolactinoma: what it is, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Prolactinoma is a benign tumor located in the pituitary gland, more specifically in the pituitary gland that leads to increased production of prolactin, which is a hormone responsible for stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The increase in the amount of prolactin characterizes hyperprolactinemia, which can lead to the appearance of some symptoms such as irregular menstruation, absence of menstruation, infertility and impotence, in the case of men.

Prolactinoma can be classified into two types according to its size:

  • Microprolactinoma, which has a diameter of less than 10 mm; Macroprolactinoma, which has a diameter equal to or greater than 10 mm.

The diagnosis of prolactinoma is made through the measurement of prolactin in the blood and the result of imaging tests such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Treatment should be recommended by the endocrinologist or neurologist according to the characteristics of the tumor, and the use of medications to regulate prolactin levels and relieve symptoms is indicated.

Prolactinoma symptoms

The symptoms of prolactinoma are related to the increase in the amount of circulating prolactin, and there may be:

  • Production of breast milk even without being pregnant or having recently delivered a baby; Irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation, Infertility; Impotence in the case of men; Decreased sexual desire; Increased breasts in men.

Although the increase in the amount of prolactin is related to prolactinoma, it can also happen due to other situations such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, stress, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, kidney failure, liver failure or due to some medications. Learn more about high prolactin.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of prolactinoma is made initially by checking the amount of circulating prolactin and the values ​​may vary according to the type of prolactinoma:

  • In the case of microprolactinoma, the prolactin values ​​are between 50 and 300 ng / dL; in the case of macroprolactinoma, the prolactin values ​​are between 200 and 5000 ng / dL.

In addition to the measurement of circulating prolactin, the doctor usually recommends performing computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in order to verify the characteristics of this tumor. Bone densitometry and echocardiogram may also be requested in order to see if there is damage related to the increase in the amount of circulating prolactin.

Treatment for prolactinoma

The treatment for prolactinoma is to decrease symptoms and restore fertility, in addition to regulating circulating prolactin levels and controlling tumor growth and development. The first line of treatment indicated by the endocrinologist is with drugs such as Bromocriptine and Cabergoline.

When prolactin levels are not regulated, the doctor may recommend surgery to remove the tumor. In addition, if the person does not respond to treatment with medication, radiotherapy may be recommended in order to control the size of the tumor and prevent disease progression.

Prolactinoma: what it is, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment