Home Bulls Prolift



Prolift is an antidepressant medication whose active substance is Reboxetine.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of depression, since its action alters the functioning of neurotransmitters, reducing depressive symptoms.

Prolift indications (What is it for)


Prolift Price

The box of the 4 mg medicine containing 20 tablets can cost approximately between 88 and 99 reais.

Side Effects of Prolift

Increased heart rate; dry mouth; constipation; difficulty urinating; insomnia; impotence; sweats; vertigo.

Contraindications of Prolift

Pregnant or lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Prolift (Posology)

Oral use


  • Start treatment with 4 mg twice a day and adjust the dose if necessary after 3 weeks to 10 mg per day.