Home Bulls Promestriene



Promestriene is a hormonal medication known commercially as Colpotrofine.

This medication for vaginal use works by relieving the symptoms of vulvovaginal atrophy and speeding up the healing of the vagina after normal delivery.

Promestriene indications

Vulvar squamous hyperplasia; atrophic vaginitis; delayed healing of the vagina after normal delivery.

Promestriene Price

The box of 10 mg of Promestriene containing 20 vaginal capsules can vary from 46 to 52 reais and the 30 g vaginal cream with an applicator costs approximately 54 reais.

Side Effects of Promestriene

Vulvovaginal itching; tingling at the application site; burning sensation.

Contraindications for Promestriene

Pregnancy Risk C; lactating women; breast cancer (except in selected cases in postmenopausal women); abnormal vaginal bleeding; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Promestrieno

Vaginal Use


  • Intravaginal application: Apply 1 g of the cream (1 full vaginal applicator) or capsule, once a day, for at least 20 days. Vulvar application: Cover the affected area with the cream, making a light massage, 1 or 2 times a day, for at least 20 days.