Home Bulls Protopic



Protopic is an immunomodulatory medication that has Tacrolimus as its active substance.

This topical drug is indicated for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, improves symptoms but its mechanism of action is not known.

Protopic indications (What is it for)

Atopic dermatitis.

Protopic price

The 10 g vial of Protopic can cost approximately 91 reais.

Side Effects of Protopic

Otitis media; inflammation of the throat; burning; itch; skin redness; infection; herpes; inflammation of hair; increased cough; asthma; Headache; flu-like symptoms; allergic reaction; fever.

Protopic contraindications

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; immunocompromised; active virus infection on the skin; lymphoma; generalized erythroderma; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

Directions for use of Protopic (Posology)

Topical Use


  • Apply a small amount of the product on the affected area, twice a day. Treatment should be continued for a week after the symptoms have disappeared.