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What are the benefits of sea water


The human body contains about 70 to 80% water and all of its cells are immersed in a liquid, called an interstitial liquid, which has a composition very similar to sea water, just like blood plasma.

Thus, sea water has great compatibility with these fluids, having numerous health benefits, since human beings need all the minerals that are present in sea water. One bath of salt water is enough for these minerals to be absorbed by the skin, benefiting people who are deficient in any of them.

1. Contributes to skin health

Minerals like sodium, potassium, iodine, zinc, silicon and magnesium, are very important for cell regeneration and skin hydration and help to reduce epidermal water loss. In addition, seawater also has a disinfectant and antiseptic action, so it is very effective in relieving the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema, and in improving acne.

Sea water also works as a natural exfoliator, due to the presence of salt and the algae present in the sea, rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, also contribute to healthy skin. Discover the benefits of seaweed.

2. Clear the airways

As sea water is a water concentrated in minerals that help to hydrate and fluidize mucous membranes, it is widely used for nasal application in situations of allergy, colds, flu or nasal congestion, for example.

There are already spray devices that have sea water in their composition, so that the application is easier and more effective, which can be purchased in pharmacies.

3. Relieves heavy legs

The cold sea waves on the legs, promote vasoconstriction and increase the oxygenation of tissues, which improves blood circulation, reducing the swelling characteristic of heavy legs. See other ways to treat heavy legs.

4. Improves rheumatic diseases

Due to the composition of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and other trace elements, seawater improves the symptoms of all joint diseases. In addition, the fact that the person moves at sea also contributes to muscle and joint health.

5. Reduces stress and anxiety

Due to its magnesium composition, which has a relaxing action, sea water helps to relieve muscle tension, stress and anxiety. See other ways to combat stress and anxiety.

What are the benefits of sea water