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What to do if you suspect a heart attack


First aid for acute myocardial infarction helps to reduce the sequelae, or save the life of the person who suffers the episode. For this, it is recommended to recognize the symptoms, calm and make the victim comfortable, and call an ambulance, calling SAMU 192 as soon as possible.

The heart attack can affect any apparently healthy person, but it is more frequent in elderly people or people with serious illnesses, such as parkinson's or cardiac arrhythmia not treated properly.

Steps to take in case of cardiac arrest

To better understand how to act in the event of a heart attack, even if you are alone, it is recommended to follow the following steps:

1. Recognize the symptoms

A person who has an acute myocardial infarction may experience the following symptoms:

  • Chest pain, burning or tightness, which can radiate to the arms or jaw, intense or lasts more than 20 minutes; Nausea or vomiting; Cold sweat; Shortness of breath; Palpitations.

In addition, there may be severe dizziness and fainting.

2. Call an ambulance

After identifying the symptoms of a heart attack, it is recommended to call the ambulance by calling SAMU 192, or by a private mobile service, if you prefer.

3. Calm the victim

In the presence of symptoms, the affected person may become very anxious or agitated, which can worsen the symptoms and the severity of the condition. It is recommended to ask the person to breathe deeply and calmly, to ask people very close to get away, avoiding crowds of people.

4. Unscrew the laundry

It is recommended to avoid tightening, such as belts or buttons apart and, if possible, it is preferable to leave the victim sitting or lying down, in a calm and ventilated place.

5. Offer 2 aspirin tablets

Aspirin tablets (AAS) are recommended if the victim has never had a previous heart attack and does not have an allergy.

It is also recommended to collect some brief information, such as diseases that you have or if you use any medication for the heart, because when the victim has a history of heart attack, the cardiologist may have prescribed a nitrate pill, such as Monocordil or Isordil, to be used in emergencies. Therefore, aspirin should be replaced with this tablet.

6. In case of fainting, lie down and observe vital signs

If the victim passes out, he should be left lying in a comfortable position, with his belly up or on his side, always checking for the presence of heartbeat and breathing.

However, if the victim's heart stops beating before medical help arrives, it is important to start cardiac massage until the ambulance arrives or until the heart beats again. Check out the step-by-step instructions on how to do cardiac massage by watching this video:

People who have a heart attack are also at increased risk of developing a stroke, especially hypertensive, diabetic people who have high cholesterol or who smoke, and some of the symptoms they may experience in this case are weakness in one wing of the body or face or difficulty in speak, for example. Also, check out the first aid for stroke.

What to do if you suspect a heart attack