- Treatment options
- 1. Ointments
- 2. Home treatment
- 3. Lasertherapy
- 4. Cryotherapy
- 5. Corticoid injection
- 6. Surgery
- Possible causes
- How to prevent keloid in the nose
The keloid in the nose is a condition that occurs when the tissue responsible for healing grows more than normal, leaving the skin raised and hardened. This condition does not generate any risk to health, being a benign change, however, it can cause symptoms such as pain, burning, burning, itching or loss of sensation.
This type of keloid is caused by increased collagen deposition in a wound caused by an accidental cut, surgery on the nose, scars from chickenpox wounds, but it is very common to develop after piercing the nose for piercing placement , so it is important to maintain hygiene care and specific dressings as soon as they are placed.
The treatment for keloid in the nose is indicated by a dermatologist and consists mainly of the application of ointments based on silicone, such as Kelo-cote, and made with substances such as retinoic acid, tretinoin, vitamin E and corticoid. In cases where the keloid in the nose is large and does not improve with ointment, the doctor may recommend laser therapy, corticosteroid injection or even surgery.
Treatment options
1. Ointments
The application of ointments on the keloid on the nose is the most indicated form of treatment by the dermatologist, as it is easy to apply, has few side effects and tends to reduce the size of the scar in a few weeks after use.
Ointments made with substances such as tretinoin and retinoic acid are widely used for this condition, as they help to decrease the formation of collagen at the scar site and relieve symptoms such as burning and itching. Some ointments produced based on other products, such as allantoin, chamomile and rosehip, known as Contraxtubex and Kelo-cote, are also highly recommended. See more other ointments for keloid treatment.
Silicone gel, like Kelosil, also helps to produce collagenases, which are enzymes that help reduce collagen in scars and therefore can be used to treat keloids in the nose. It is possible to find silicone gel in the form of leaves or dressings to place at the keloid site and are available at any pharmacy.
2. Home treatment
Rosehip oil is a type of natural product used to reduce keloids in the nose, as it contains substances such as vitamins and flavonoids, which reduce inflammation at the scar site.
However, it is important not to apply the oil directly to the keloid, as it can burn the skin, and the ideal is to mix rosehip oil with almond oil or some moisturizing ointment. Check out more on how to prepare rosehip oil.
3. Lasertherapy
Laser therapy is a type of treatment that is based on the application of laser directly on the keloid in the nose, as it helps to reduce the size of the scar and promotes the lightening of the skin in the keloid region. For the effects of this type of therapy to be better felt, it is usually indicated by a dermatologist along with other types of treatments, such as corticosteroid injection, for example.
This type of treatment is able to reduce the size of the keloid by destroying the tissue that has grown in excess and also has anti-inflammatory action on the spot, with the number of sessions and the treatment time being different from one person to another, depending on of the characteristics of the keloid in the nose.
4. Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy consists of using liquid nitrogen to freeze the keloid in the nose from the inside out, reducing the elevation of the skin and the size of the scar. In general, cryotherapy works on small keloids and several sessions must be performed for the effects to be observed.
This type of treatment is indicated by a dermatologist and must be done by a trained professional, because if it is not performed correctly, it can cause burns on the spot. Ointments may also be recommended in conjunction with cryotherapy, depending on the size of the keloid in the nose.
5. Corticoid injection
The injection of corticosteroids around the keloid in the nose can be indicated and applied by a dermatologist, as it helps to reduce the amount of collagen in the site, reducing the size of the scar, and should be applied every two to four weeks, however, the number of sessions vary according to the size of the scar.
6. Surgery
Surgery is a type of treatment that is often recommended to improve the symptoms of keloid in the nose, however, it is more indicated for removal of large keloids. The stitches that will be made after the surgery are inside the skin, to prevent a new keloid from forming in the area. Most of the time, the doctor recommends the use of ointments or a few radiotherapy sessions after the surgery, so that the keloid does not grow back.
Possible causes
The keloid in the nose occurs due to the accumulation of collagen during the healing of wounds caused by cuts, burns, acne, placement of piercings or even after surgery. In rarer situations, keloids in the nose can form after wounds from chickenpox disease, known as chicken pox, and can also appear without an apparent cause, which is the case of spontaneous keloids.
This type of keloid can arise from pyogenic granuloma, which is a reddish lesion on the skin that grows around the inserted piercing , which bleeds easily, and pus may escape. Learn more about how to identify pyogenic granuloma.
How to prevent keloid in the nose
Some people are more likely to develop keloids, so to prevent this from happening it is necessary to perform some measures such as using a silicone gel dressing on the scars. However, people who have nose piercings need to maintain some hygiene care to avoid contamination by microorganisms and inflammation, washing the place with saline, for example.
In addition, if the person observes signs of inflammation at the nose piercing site, such as redness, presence of pus and swelling, it is necessary to remove the metal and seek a dermatologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment, which may be the use of ointments, as if this is not done, keloid formation may occur.
See more about the care that should be taken after piercing :