- How Radio Frequency Works
- Definitive result without sagging
- Treatment risks
- How many sessions to do
- When not to
Radiofrequency is an excellent aesthetic treatment to do on the belly and buttocks because it helps to eliminate localized fat and also combats sagging, leaving the skin firmer and harder. Each session lasts about 1 hour and the results are progressive, and after the last session the results can still be seen for 6 months.
This treatment is especially indicated for people who are very close to their ideal weight, to improve the body contour having only localized fat, being an alternative to plastic surgery or can be done to improve the effects after having performed an abdominoplasty, for example.
How Radio Frequency Works
Radio frequency equipment is safe and can be used on all persons over 12 years of age. The waves of the equipment reach the fat cells, located under the skin and above the muscles, and with the rise in the temperature of this region to up to 42ÂșC these cells break, eliminating the fat that was contained inside. The fat is in the interstitial space, between the other cells and therefore, in order to be truly eliminated from the body permanently, they must be removed through lymphatic drainage or through physical exercises.
The fat can remain in the interstitial space for up to 4 hours and therefore, immediately after each treatment session, the person must undergo a lymphatic drainage treatment in the place that was treated or must practice some physical activity that is capable of burning all the fat surplus.
Definitive result without sagging
The elimination of fat gives stable and long-lasting results and as long as the person eats healthy food and practices physical activity regularly, he will not put on weight again. However, if a person consumes more energy than his or her body uses, it is natural for him / her to gain weight and for fat to accumulate again in certain regions of the body.
In addition to eliminating accumulated fat, radiofrequency improves skin tone because it increases the production of collagen and elastin fibers that support the skin. Thus, the person eliminates fat and the skin remains firm, with no sagging.
Understand how radio frequency works
The rise in temperature produced by the radio frequency generates energy waves that induce the breakdown of adipocytes, due to the breakdown of cell membrane proteins. However, this effect depends on the good hydration of the region, time of exposure to radio frequency and number of sessions performed.
In addition, the rise in temperature promotes the retraction of the existing collagen, the migration of fibroblasts, and the formation of new collagen and elastin, which strengthen the structure of the tissue, improving the firmness of the skin, reducing cellulite and sagging, in a way lasting.
Treatment risks
The radio frequency in the belly and buttocks is very well tolerated and the only risk that exists is that of being able to burn the skin, when the equipment is not kept in motion at all times of treatment.
How many sessions to do
It is recommended to do about 10 sessions to be able to evaluate the results, depending on the amount of fat or cellulite that needs to be eliminated or the amount of flabby skin that the person has. Better results are observed when you perform a combination of radio frequency and lipocavitation in the same aesthetic treatment.
Lipocavitation is excellent for eliminating localized fat, being even more efficient for reducing measures but it has no effect on collagen and therefore, it can even promote flaccidity, since radiofrequency is an excellent aesthetic treatment against flaccidity, so unite both treatments are an excellent way to achieve better results and even faster. When these two treatments are combined, the ideal is to do 1 radiofrequency session in one week, and in the following week to do the lipocavitation, with the equipment intercalated.
When not to
This treatment is not indicated when the person is much above ideal and should also not be performed when the person has a metallic implant in the region where he will be treated. Other contraindications include:
- During pregnancy; In case of hemophilia; In case of fever; If there is an infection at the treatment site; If there is sensitivity disorder; If the person has a pacemaker; When the person takes some anticoagulant medicine.
Nor should another electrotherapy device be applied at the same time, to avoid interfering with the result and not to burn the skin, it is necessary to remove the jewels from the body.
See also how the diet should be to improve the results of radio frequency in localized fat loss: