Home Bulls Raltitrexate



Raltitrexate is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Tomudex.

This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of colon and rectal cancer.

Indications of Raltitrexate

Colon and rectal cancer.

Raltitrexate Price

A 2 mg vial of Raltitrexate costs approximately 985 reais.

Side Effects of Raltitrexate

Diarrhea; anemia; decrease in white blood cells.

Contraindications for Raltitrexate

Pregnant or lactating women; severe damage to liver function; severe damage to kidney function.

Directions for use of Raltitrexate

Injectable Use


  • Colorectal carcinoma: 3 mg per square meter of body surface, every 3 weeks.