- Indications of Ramipril
- Ramipril price
- Side Effects of Ramipril
- Contraindications for Ramipril
- Directions for use of Ramipril
Ramipril is an antihypertensive medication.
This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, since it acts as a vasodilator, decreasing the pressure in the blood vessels and leaving the pressure stable
Indications of Ramipril
Arterial hypertension; cardiac insufficiency; congestive heart failure (after myocardial infarction).
Ramipril price
A box of 2.5 g of Ramipril containing 30 tablets costs approximately 32 reais and the box of 5 mg medicine containing 30 tablets costs approximately 61 reais.
Side Effects of Ramipril
Headache; dizziness; fatigue; angina in the chest; pressure drop; drop in pressure when standing up; nausea; vomiting; dry cough; fainting; vertigo.
Contraindications for Ramipril
Pregnancy Risk C; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components; children under 18 years.
Directions for use of Ramipril
Oral use
- Start treatment with 2.5 mg in a single daily dose; adjust the dose according to the clinical response. The maintenance dose should be kept at 2.5 in a single daily dose or divided into two equal doses.