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How to eat brown sugar without putting on weight


Rapadura is the sweet made from the concentrated sugar cane juice and, unlike white sugar, it is rich in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium.

A small piece of rapadura with 30 g has about 111 Kcal, and the ideal is to consume just that amount per day so as not to put on weight. A good tip is to eat rapadura right after a big meal such as lunch, where you usually eat salad in the main dish, which helps to reduce the fat production that the rapadura sweet can bring.

Benefits of Rapadura

Due to its content of vitamins and minerals, moderate consumption of rapadura brings benefits such as:

  1. Give more energy for training, because it is rich in calories; Prevent anemia by containing iron and B vitamins Improve the functioning of the nervous system due to the presence of B vitamins; Prevent cramps and osteoporosis, as it contains calcium and phosphorus.

Rapadura that has added nutritious foods like nuts, coconut and peanuts bring even more health benefits, but it is important to remember that its consumption should be made only in small quantities per day, especially in the pre or post-workout, or as natural energy from long workouts, lasting more than 1 hour. See more about natural sugars and sweeteners, and know which one to choose.

Nutritional Composition

The following table shows the nutritional composition for 100 g of rapadura and white sugar, to compare the nutrients of each one:

Quantity: 100 g Rapadura White Sugar
Energy: 352 kcal 387 kcal
Carbohydrate: 90.8 kcal 99.5 g
Protein: 1 g 0.3 g
Fat: 0.1 g 0 g
Fibers: 0 g 0 g
Calcium: 30 mg 4 mg
Iron: 4.4 g 0.1 mg
Magnesium: 47 mg 1 mg
Potassium: 459 mg 6 mg

It is important to remember that, despite being healthier, brown sugar should not be consumed in excess, as it can increase the risk of problems such as weight gain, triglycerides, high cholesterol and blood glucose. It should also not be consumed by people with diabetes, high cholesterol and kidney disease.

Rapadura during training gives more energy

Rapadura can be used as a quick source of energy and nutrients in long training sessions with a lot of wear and tear, such as during long distance running, pedaling, rowing and fighting sports. Because it has a high glycemic index, the energy of the rapadura sugar is quickly absorbed by the body, which allows you to maintain the training performance without feeling your belly heavy.

Thus, in training that lasts for more than 1 hour, you can consume 25 to 30 g of rapadura to replace energy and minerals, which are lost in sweat. In addition to rapadura, sugarcane juice can also be used as a strategy to hydrate and replenish energy quickly. See more tips on what to eat in the pre and post workout.

Watch the following video and see how to make a homemade energy drink to improve your workout:

How to eat brown sugar without putting on weight