This cheesecake recipe is a delicious, low-calorie recipe for those on the Dukan diet, or even any other type of calorie restriction to lose weight. It is a very tasty dessert rich in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats.
This diet, called Dukan is an alternative diet developed by Dr. Pierre Dukan, which promises to help you lose weight quickly, but does not help to change the wrong eating habits and, therefore, to lose weight and not put on weight again it is important to get advice with a qualified health professional as the nutritionist, when the desired weight with this type of diet has already been reached.
- 400 grams of cream cheese or fresh cheese strained for 12 hours3 eggs2 tablespoons of liquid or powdered sweetener500 ml of water5 strawberry tea bags7 sheets of colorless gelatin
Method of preparation
Preheat the oven to 170 ° C. Mix the first three ingredients well, place the preparation in a silicone form, high and about 20 cm in diameter. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes, test the toothpick in the center of the pie, if the toothpick is dry it will be ready.
The pie will grow a lot, however, it will not remain with these proportions, that is, it will wither. When ready, remove from oven and let cool.
Soften the gelatin sheets in a bowl with ice water. Meanwhile, put the 500 ml of water on the fire, until it boils. Add the tea bags and leave for 5 minutes. Then remove the sachets and add the sweetener. Then add the gelatin sheets and mix well. Pour 350 ml of the topping onto the pie and separate the rest out of the refrigerator. Take the pie to the refrigerator and leave for 1 hour.
After the necessary time has elapsed, pour the rest of the cover. Leave in the refrigerator for another 4-5 hours and you are ready.