This recipe for gluten-free bread is simple to make and although the bread does not look like wheat bread it is an excellent alternative for those who cannot eat gluten, as is the case of those suffering from celiac disease or for those who simply want to eliminate the gluten in the food.
Although gluten is present in many everyday foods, it can be removed from almost any recipe. So, see a recipe for making a delicious gluten-free cake.
- 1 cup of almond flour; 1 cup of sunflower seeds; 1 tablespoon of honey; 1 tablespoon of lemon juice; half a teaspoon of salt; dry basil to taste; 2 tablespoons of water.
Method of preparation
In a bowl and sunflower seeds with almond flour, basil and salt. Then, mix the honey with the lemon juice and add in a blender with the other ingredients, adding water when necessary. If necessary, you can choose to knead the bread with your hands, using a little almond flour to keep it from sticking to your hands or table.
When the dough is homogeneous and fluffy, place it in the oven at 68ºC for 1 hour. Remove from the oven, cut into slices and return to the oven at 40ºC for another hour.
Watch this video and see what foods you can eat on the gluten-free diet: