This pancake recipe with amaranth is an excellent breakfast option for diabetes because amaranth helps prevent excess blood sugar and can help prevent complications of excess blood sugar. Thus, these pancakes can also be used in diets to lose weight, as they contain few calories
These pancakes, although not a form of treatment for diabetes, are a great alternative to preparing pancakes, which helps to control the glycemic index.
- Half a cup of amaranth flour; Half a cup of whole wheat flour; Half a cup of corn flour; 2 teaspoons of yeast; Half a dessert spoon of baking soda; 2 cups of milk; 2 large eggs; Half a cup of oil canola, 2 cups of blueberries or strawberries.
Method of preparation:
Mix the milk, eggs and oil and blend in a blender until creamy. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add the dry ingredients together with half a cup of blueberries or strawberries.
If the dough is too thick, add water, one teaspoon at a time, to thin the dough. Make the pancakes in a frying pan or in a low cake pan and serve with the rest of the blueberries or strawberries as a filling.
Understand all that amaranth can do for health: