This vegetable salad recipe with wheat sprouts is good for weight loss because it has few calories and fibers that decrease appetite.
- 200 g of sliced small carrots, 100 g of peas, 150 g of broccoli, 6 chopped green onions, 200 g of cherry tomatoes, cut in half, 400 g of fresh wheat sprouts, a handful of fresh coriander leaves
Method of preparation:
Bring a saucepan with boiling water and whiten or steam the carrots, peas and broccoli for 2 minutes. Cool in cold running water and dry well with a cloth or kitchen paper. Pour the vegetables into a salad bowl with the green onions and cherry tomatoes. Add the wheat sprouts and mix. You can season the salad with a little olive oil and lemon juice.
In addition to being easier to digest, cereal sprouts contain twice as much dietary fiber as normal cereal, making them also effective in eliminating toxins.