This pasta salad recipe is good for diabetes, as it takes wholegrain pasta, tomatoes, peas and broccoli, which are low glycemic index foods and, therefore, help control blood sugar.
Low glycemic index foods are important for patients with diabetes because they prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar. However, anyone who has difficulty controlling blood glucose after meals should consider the need to use insulin after eating. ">
- 150 g wholegrain pasta, screw-type or scratched; 2 egg; 1 onion; 1 garlic clove; 3 small tomatoes; 1 cup of peas; 1 broccoli sprig; fresh spinach leaves; basil leaves; olive oil; white wine.
Method of preparation:
In a pan bake the egg. In another pan, put the chopped onion and garlic with a little olive oil over the fire, covering the bottom of the pan. When it is hot, add the chopped tomatoes and a little white wine and water. When boiling, add the pasta, and after 10 minutes add the peas, broccoli and basil. After another 10 minutes, just add the broken eggs to pieces and serve.
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