This tropical salad recipe is great for fighting fluid retention because it has diuretic fruits like melon and kiwi, making it a great option to help you lose weight and fight the swelling that can also arise during pregnancy, for example.
- 1 cup of diced melon1 cup of diced mango1 kiwi cut into slices1 cup of lettuce cut into strips1 / 2 small bunch of arugulaPoppy seeds
Method of preparation
In a bowl place the melon, mango, kiwi, lettuce, arugula and mix gently. On a platter, place the leaves of mimosa lettuce and distribute the fruit mixture. Finally, add the poppy seeds to taste.
To season the salads you should use vinegar, lemon juice, as well as herbs such as oregano or thyme, as they are great ingredients to add flavor without adding calories to the salad. You can also use olive oil to season, but it is necessary to be careful with the amount because the oil is a fat and has calories, so in a salad dish you can use 2 teaspoons of oil to season.
To help the kidney clear the fluids, you can go on a detox diet of about 2 to 3 days. Find out how in the following video: