This dessert recipe is good for diabetes because it has no sugar and has pineapple, which is a fruit recommended in diabetes because it has few carbohydrates.
In addition, the recipe has few calories and, therefore, can be added to diets to lose weight when you feel like eating something out of the regime, for example
Although, this dessert does not have a lot of sugar, it should not be consumed daily, because it has some fat that can end up spoiling the diet, if used many times.
Pineapple delicious recipe for diabetes
Pasta ingredients:
- 4 eggs4 tablespoons of wheat flour1 teaspoon of baking powder1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
Stuffing ingredients:
- 300 g of chopped pineapple4 envelopes or tablespoons of sweetener Stevia½ teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
Cream Ingredients:
- 100 g of fresh ricotta ½ cup of skim milk6 envelopes or tablespoons of sweetener Stévia1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
Method of preparation
To make the dough: Beat the egg whites in firm snow. Add the egg yolks. Add flour, baking powder and vanilla. Place on a baking sheet, greased and floured, and place in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Unmold, let cool and cut into cubes.
For the filling: in a pan, bring the pineapple to the fire and cook until dry. Remove from heat, add the sweetener, cinnamon and mix well.
For the cream: pass the ricotta in the sieve and mix with the milk, sweetener and cinnamon.
In a serving dish, make alternating layers of pieces of dough, filling and cream and keep in the refrigerator. You can also add a few strands of melted dark chocolate on top.
See other low sugar recipes: