Home Bulls Light recipe with chicken

Light recipe with chicken


Two great options for light chicken recipes are the grilled chicken breast with fine herbs and a chicken gratin, which are very simple to make and help you stick to a protein-rich diet.

Because they are recipes rich in protein, they are great options for those who exercise because they help in building muscle mass, defining the body. See more examples of these foods at: Foods rich in protein.

Grilled chicken breast with herbs

Chicken gratin - light

Recipe for grilled chicken breast with fine herbs


  • 1/2 kg of chicken breast, garlic, thyme, oregano and black pepper to season

Method of preparation:

Season the chicken with the aforementioned condiments and let it marinate for about half an hour.

Then, put about 3 tablespoons of water in a frying pan and add the chicken cut into steak or into small pieces, leaving it brown until it is well cooked. If necessary, add more water little by little to avoid sticking to the pan.

Water is an excellent substitute for cooking oil and can be used for frying eggs, making scrambled eggs and also for frying beef or pork steaks.

Light chicken gratin recipe

This recipe for chicken breast au gratin has approximately 380 calories per serving and the entire recipe yields 6 servings. It is a good idea to vary the meal in the diet to lose weight, it is easy to make and it can be accompanied by a green salad prepared with lettuce and arugula, seasoned with olive oil and lemon, being a low calorie and nutritionally balanced meal.


  • 1 Kg of shredded chicken breast2 large skinless tomatoes1 cup of water1 tablespoon of wheat flour1 can of light sour cream200 g of grated lightsal cheese and herbs to season to taste

Method of preparation:

Put the water in a pan the tomatoes, the chicken, the salt and the aromatic herbs, over low heat, until it starts to boil. Then add the wheat flour and stir until it thickens. Remove from heat, add light cream and mix well.

Place everything on a shallow platter and spread the grated cheese on top. Place in the oven to brown for about 20 minutes.

Nutritional information of light chicken gratin recipe

Traditional recipe Light recipe



Ingredients Calories
1 Kg of shredded chicken breast 1080 1 Kg of shredded chicken breast 1080
1 can of tomato sauce 198 1 can of tomato sauce 198
2 cubes of chicken broth 48 2 cubes of chicken broth 48
1 cup of water - 1 cup of water -
1 tablespoon of flour 26 1 tablespoon of flour 26
1 can of sour cream 752 1 can of light sour cream 489
200 g of grated cheese 812 200 g light grated cheese 494
100 g of melted butter 739 without butter -
TOTAL 3655 TOTAL 2335

This is a light chicken gratin recipe because it has 36% less calories than the traditional recipe and according to Anvisa, for a recipe to be considered light it must have 25% less calories, fat or sugar than the original recipe.

See also a delicious light lasagna recipe.

Light recipe with chicken