Home Bulls Recipe for healthy weight loss and forever

Recipe for healthy weight loss and forever


The recipe for healthy weight loss and forever consists of following some daily rules:

  • To start it is important to eat correctly, and for that, you need to insert a lot of fruit in the menu (3-4 servings / day), giving preference to those that are less caloric and with more water, such as melon, tangerine, watermelon, strawberry and even papaya; Chewing slowly is a very difficult habit to develop, but it is one of the little secrets that make the diet work. Therefore, chew your food well, because in addition to improving digestion it is easier to know the right time to stop eating; Eliminate fried foods and excess salt, as they can cause water retention and cause an unpleasant feeling of bloating; Never go without eating for many hours, this is the main reason why diets are halved. Do not skip meals and drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea in between, as this helps to hydrate the body and cleanse impurities.

Knowing the ideal weight is also essential to lose weight healthily and forever, so here's how to know how many pounds you need to lose weight.

Food reeducation is a process that always evolves step by step, in order to be part of the daily routine naturally, and the body always responds very well to a balanced diet. Don't be in a hurry, the results will appear. The thought must be to keep the commitment and not to lose the pounds, as they are a natural and inevitable consequence.

A good option to lose weight is to exchange sweets for fruits. See which are the best fruits to lose weight:

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Recipe for healthy weight loss and forever