Home Bulls Natural appetite reducers

Natural appetite reducers


A great natural appetite reducer is pear. To use this fruit as an appetite suppressant, it is important to eat the pear in its shell and about 20 minutes before the meal.

The recipe is very simple, but it must be done correctly. This is because, to reduce the appetite, the sugar of the fruit enters the blood and is spent slowly, so, at lunch or dinner, hunger will be controlled and this will decrease the desire to eat foods that are not on the diet menu.

Pear is a good option because it is a fruit with a good glycemic index for the desired effect, which is to reduce appetite.

The pear should be medium in size, approximately 120 g, and should be eaten between 15 to 20 minutes before main meals. Time is important because, if it is much longer than 20 minutes, hunger may be even greater and, if it is less than 15 minutes, there may be no time to reflect on reducing appetite.

Watch the following video and see other tips to reduce your appetite:

Eating cheese with fruit

The combination of cheese with fruit is a great tool to decrease appetite because fruits have fiber and cheese has protein and both help to decrease appetite at any time of the day. In addition, cheese interacts with fruit sugar and allows it to be absorbed more slowly, which increases satiety.

This junction also helps to clean the teeth and prevents bad breath, because when using the apple as a fruit it cleans the tooth surface and the cheese changes the pH in the mouth so that the bacteria that cause bad breath do not develop.

Cheese with fruit is great to eat between the main meals in the morning or in the afternoon and when adding a carbohydrate source, such as granola, for example, you get a full breakfast.

Natural appetite reducers