Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for aphonia

Home remedy for aphonia


A great home remedy for aphonia, which is the momentary loss of voice, is ginger root tea sweetened with bee honey, as ginger has anti-inflammatory and mouth-watering properties that help in the treatment of hoarseness or loss of voice.


  • 30 g of ginger roots1 L of water

Method of preparation

Place the ginger in a pan with the water and bring to a boil. When it is warm, strain and drink up to 4 cups of tea a day, until the voice returns.

The honey to sweeten is to taste, however, it works as a balm protecting the throat and the vocal cords and the tea must be drunk warm to have a result.

Aphonia, which is the total or partial loss of voice, can be caused by pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or even due to the professional use of the voice, as is the case with teachers.

In addition to this tea, it is important to avoid mucosal irritating foods, such as pepper or even mustard, and to eat natural and especially fibrous foods, as they will help in the treatment.

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Home remedy for aphonia