Home Home-Remedies Homemade options for chest pain and how to prevent

Homemade options for chest pain and how to prevent


Foods rich in fiber, such as papaya, orange and ground flaxseed, are important to fight angina, since they normalize cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of fatty plaques inside the arteries, which is the main cause of angina. In addition to food, to avoid angina, it is important to exercise regularly with professional monitoring, in addition to avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol.

Angina corresponds to the feeling of tightness and pain in the chest that happens mainly due to the formation of fatty plaques, called atheroma, inside the arteries, decreasing blood flow and, consequently, the arrival of oxygen to the heart. Understand more about angina.

Papaya juice with orange

The papaya juice with orange is great for preventing angina, as it lowers cholesterol, preventing the formation of fatty plaques inside the arteries.


  • 1 papaya; Juice of 3 oranges; 1 spoon of ground flaxseed.

Method of preparation

To make the juice, just beat the papaya with the orange in the mixer or blender and then add the ground flaxseed. If you feel the need, you can sweeten it with honey to taste.

Other homemade options

To decrease the chances of angina, other medicinal plants can also be used, since they are rich in antioxidants, preventing damage to the arteries, lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Some options are ginger, turmeric, amalaki, blueberries, black grape seed extract, holy basil and licorice, for example, and can be consumed in juices, teas or fresh. See what it is for and what the benefits of licorice are.

How to prevent chest pain

Other important tips to decrease the risk of angina are:

  • Reduce consumption of fried and high-fat foods; Avoid sweets and soft drinks; Replace oils with olive oil and nuts; Regularly consume foods rich in fiber; Always use fruits as dessert.

Those who suffer from angina should follow these tips for life, to avoid the formation of fatty plaques inside the arteries, decreasing the risk of heart disease. However, it is important to note that home treatments do not replace the drugs prescribed by the doctor, but can contribute to the person's health and well-being. Find out how angina is treated.

Homemade options for chest pain and how to prevent