Home Home-Remedies 2 Homemade glucose-lowering recipes

2 Homemade glucose-lowering recipes


A great home remedy to lower blood glucose is coffee tincture, however, São Caetano melon can also be used in the form of tea to help control blood sugar levels.

However, in the case of diabetes, it is important to maintain the treatment recommended by the doctor, and these natural treatments should be used only as a complement.

See how treatment is done in case of diabetes

Coffee tincture

Coffee has medicinal properties that naturally lower the blood glucose rate and, therefore, can be used as a complementary form in the treatment of diabetes. Coffee can also be used to prevent type 2 diabetes, but to achieve this benefit, it is necessary to drink 3 to 4 cups of unsweetened coffee a day.


  • 10 grams of raw coffee beans 100 ml of grain alcohol or 100 ml of 40% vodka

Method of preparation

Place the coffee beans in a dark glass jar, as in a beer bottle, and add cereal alcohol or vodka and close tightly. Place it in a dark bag, like the bread bag, or wrap the pot with a dish towel and keep it in a cupboard. Shake the tincture every day and, after 5 days, strain and use only the liquid part. Always keep the dye tightly closed in a dark environment.

Take 1 teaspoon of this tincture diluted in a little water always before going to bed.

Homemade remedy with Melon-de-São-Caetano

The São Caetano melon is a fruit with a strong hypoglycemic property that is able to prevent excess blood sugar, functioning as a natural blood glucose regulator. For this, the São Caetano melon can be consumed in its natural form as a fruit or added in juices or vitamins, for example.

Know your risk of having diabetes

High glucose does not always indicate that the person is diabetic. Know your risk of diabetes by taking the following test:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Know your risk of developing diabetes

Start the test

  • Male Female

  • Less than 40 years old Between 40 and 50 years old Between 50 and 60 years oldMore than 60 years old

Height: m

Weight: kg

  • Larger than 102 cmBetween 94 and 102 cmLower than 94 cm

High pressure:
  • Yes No

Do you do physical activity?
  • Two times a weekLess than twice a week

Do you have relatives with diabetes?
  • NoYes, 1st degree relatives: parents and / or siblingsYes, 2nd degree relatives: grandparents and / or uncles

2 Homemade glucose-lowering recipes