Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for runny nose

Home remedy for runny nose


A good home remedy for runny nose, which is the runny nose due to inflammation of the nasal passages, is to take the cashew juice because it is rich in vitamin C, helping to strengthen the body's natural defenses.


  • 1 whole cashew and without the chestnut 500 ml of water

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender, sweeten to taste and drink immediately.

Other fruits that can be used are acerola and orange.

This home remedy for runny nose should only complement the treatment for runny nose that should be done with medications to decrease the vasodilation of the nasal mucosa, such as flu remedies, allergies or antipyretics.

To help with normal breathing, the use of a vasoconstrictor to unblock the nose is essential. Runny nose, when left untreated, can increase the likelihood of respiratory problems, such as sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Useful links:

Home remedy for runny nose