Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for discouragement

Home remedy for discouragement


An excellent home remedy for discouragement and tiredness is to drink apple juice with beets. The apple contains properties that promote well-being and beets are rich in iron, which increases hemoglobin in the bloodstream, helping to fight anemia, which can be the source of discouragement.


  • 1 apple1 / 2 beetroot1 / 2 tablespoon chopped ginger1 carrot1 cup brown sugar or honey to sweeten

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender and then drink. Take this home remedy 2 times a day, every day, for at least 2 weeks and then evaluate the results.

Increasing the consumption of foods rich in iron, such as meats, beans with rice and dark chocolate is also indicated. However, if symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted, as episodes of tiredness and discouragement can be signs of depression, which must sometimes be treated with the use of medication.

Home remedy for discouragement