Home Home-Remedies What is good for stress and mental exhaustion

What is good for stress and mental exhaustion


An excellent home remedy to combat stress and mental and physical exhaustion is to invest in the consumption of foods rich in B vitamins, such as red meat, milk and wheat germ, and also take orange juice with passion fruit daily because these foods they improve the functioning of the organism, helping to keep calm and serenity in conflicting moments.

Orange juice with passion fruit, in addition to decreasing the amount of cortisol in the bloodstream, improves good mood because it helps in the conversion of the neurotransmitter dopamine into norepinephrine. In addition, you can choose to practice activities outdoors or that promote relaxation, such as practicing physical activities, dancing or doing meditation, for example.

What to eat

Diet to combat stress should contain foods rich in B vitamins because they improve the immune system and increase the body's energy by fighting stress and general tiredness in addition to reducing the irritability that is usually the main symptom involved.

Some animal food options rich in B vitamins are red meat, liver, milk, cheese and eggs, for example. In the case of foods of plant origin, the main ones are wheat germ, brewer's yeast, bananas and dark leafy vegetables. Discover other foods rich in B vitamins.

A homemade way to increase your intake of B vitamins can be to take 2 tablespoons of wheat germ or a teaspoon of brewer's yeast mixed in the fruit vitamin, for example.

In situations of suspected vitamin deficiency, a nutritionist should be consulted to assess and identify possible dietary errors, adjust the diet and prescribe dietary supplements, which may include the B vitamin supplement.

Home remedy for stress and anxiety

Another excellent home remedy against stress is orange juice with passion fruit, because orange is rich in vitamin C that is able to decrease the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the blood stream while passion fruit has natural calming properties.


  • 2 to 4 oranges; 2 passion fruit pulp.

Method of preparation

Pass the oranges through the juicer and whisk your juice with the passion fruit pulp and sweeten to taste. Take this juice right away so that your vitamin C is not lost.

Take 2 glasses of this orange juice a day for 1 month and then evaluate the results. The best times to drink this orange juice are in the morning, during breakfast and in the middle of the afternoon, after lunch.

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Aromatherapy to fight stress

To complement this home treatment against stress, it is also advisable to use aromatherapy. The most suitable aromas to overcome stress are sandalwood and lavender, which have calming properties. You can add 2 drops of the chosen essential oil in a container with boiling water or put it in a diffuser and leave it in the bedroom to sleep, for example.

Another way to enjoy the essences of oils is to bathe with a herbal soap, which can be made at home with:


  • 25 drops of sandalwood essential oil; 10 drops of lavender essential oil; 5 drops of sage essential oil; 125 ml of glycerin liquid soap.

Method of preparation

To prepare this natural soap just mix all the essential oils with the liquid glycerin soap and shake well. When bathing, massage the whole body gently with the homemade soap and remove it with warm water.

Lavender and sandalwood are medicinal plants that have calming and relaxing properties, being effective not only against stress but against all types of nervous tension such as anxiety and phobias. See also the main health consequences of stress.

What is good for stress and mental exhaustion