- 1. Use of medicines
- 2. Diet for cirrhosis
- 3. Natural treatment
- 4. Hemodialysis
- 5. Liver transplantation
- Complications of liver cirrhosis
The treatment for liver cirrhosis is indicated by the hepatologist according to the symptoms and severity of the cirrhosis, and the use of medications, adequate diet or liver transplantation in the most severe cases, for example, may be recommended.
Liver cirrhosis is a progressive disease of the liver, which arises as a consequence of situations that lead to the slow and progressive destruction of liver cells, such as excessive alcohol consumption or hepatitis, for example. Learn about other causes of liver cirrhosis.
Liver transplantation is indicated when liver cirrhosis is decompensated, favored by the appearance of complications, such as ascites, varicose digestive hemorrhage, hepatic encephalopathy and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Therefore, it is important that the treatment of liver cirrhosis be carried out as soon as possible, to slow the progression of the disease and prevent complications.
Thus, treatment for liver cirrhosis consists of the following options:
1. Use of medicines
Drug treatment of liver cirrhosis aims to control some symptoms of cirrhosis, such as abdominal burning and swelling resulting from ascites, which is the accumulation of fluid in the belly, and the use of diuretic remedies that help eliminate excess of liquid. Find out more what ascites is and what the symptoms are.
In case of hepatic encephalopathy, a complication of cirrhosis in which brain malfunction occurs, some medications such as laxatives and antibiotics, such as lactulose and neomycin or rifaximin, can be prescribed to help eliminate toxins through the intestines, preventing these substances impair brain function. As liver cirrhosis increases the pressure of the artery in the liver, medications such as beta-blockers to lower blood pressure may also be indicated.
Pharmacological treatment for liver cirrhosis should only be indicated by a gastroenterologist or hepatologist, according to the clinical conditions and symptoms presented by a person. In some cases, vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended to prevent further liver damage.
2. Diet for cirrhosis
The diet for liver cirrhosis should be indicated by the nutritionist and is based on foods with low salt content, and should be replaced by other spices such as parsley or lemon, for example. It is also recommended to eat foods rich in fiber and low in protein, especially if the person has ascites or hepatic encephalopathy. See more menu and diet foods for cirrhosis.
The nutritional treatment of liver cirrhosis also includes the recommendation not to eat fatty and embedded foods, as well as not to use drugs, especially alcohol, which is one of the main causes of this disease, as they can further injure the liver. Thus, in the treatment for alcoholic liver cirrhosis, alcohol abstinence is essential.
3. Natural treatment
The natural treatment of liver cirrhosis should not replace the indicated treatment and should be done under the guidance of a doctor, and some natural products are indicated such as elderberry tea or yellow uxi which, due to its detoxifying and purifying properties, can help in the relief of cirrhosis symptoms. Learn how to prepare home remedies for cirrhosis.
For cases in which liver cirrhosis was not caused by excess alcohol, called non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis, the use of zinc and vitamin E supplements may be recommended, as it has an anti-inflammatory action, reducing the symptoms of this disease.
4. Hemodialysis
Hemodialysis is indicated for people who have suffered some kidney damage caused by complications of liver cirrhosis, such as increased toxins in the body, as the liver is unable to absorb and eliminate these substances, as well as by increased blood pressure or poor blood circulation. in the kidneys.
This procedure must be done in a hospital or clinic and consists of a treatment to filter the blood, eliminating toxins and salts, that is, it is done through a machine that performs the same functions as the kidneys. See more on how hemodialysis works.
5. Liver transplantation
Liver transplantation is indicated by the doctor in more severe cases, when liver cirrhosis is decompensated, the liver is severely compromised and stops working properly, or when treatment with drugs is not being effective. This type of treatment can also be indicated in cases where the liver is affected with a tumor.
After indicating this procedure, it is necessary to wait in the donation queue, as it is only after finding a donor that transplant surgery will be scheduled. Understand how liver transplantation works and recovery.
Complications of liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis should be treated as soon as the diagnosis is made, as it can cause complications such as ascites, which is the accumulation of fluids in the abdomen and which develops because the pressure in the liver artery increases, causing the blood vessels to become compressed. To reverse this complication, the use of medication and paracentesis are required. See more how paracentesis is made.
Other complications of liver cirrhosis may be esophageal varices, which occur due to the rupture of blood vessels in the esophagus, caused by increased pressure, and peritonitis, which is the inflammation of the membrane that covers the abdomen. Brain and lung complications can also arise because of decreased oxygen in the blood.